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Author Topic: Importing a Music Library  (Read 1818 times)


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Importing a Music Library
« on: December 29, 2021, 04:39:34 pm »

Hopefully, I haven't posted this in the wrong category.

Back again so soon with a fresh problem  ::)

Ok, I have two folders of music files on a hard drive. One for Hi-Res music and One for Redbook music. What I would like to do is import them into JRiver and then to view and access them separately, similar to as they are now. I've been playing with this by adding a new Library View under Audio named Hi-Res and another named Redbook. The trouble is it isn't keeping them separate and I have a mish mash of everything together.

I have been trying to do some self help without bothering you guys again. I've watched the Ted B videos and can see that he has separate folders under audio which I presume contain the appropriate files only. I've also read a number of threads akin to my issues but none that specifically address my needs. It seems as though 2 separate libraries is not the way to go but separate folders isn't working for me either.

Once again any help would be gratefully received.


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Re: Importing a Music Library
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2021, 04:45:27 am »

I would suggest to add a "hires" tag to your Hi-res albums, and to duplicate the view you are currently using to browse your albums.
On one of these views, you add a "Contains 'hires'" condition, and the other view, you add a "Does not contain 'hires'" condition: that should to the job.



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Re: Importing a Music Library
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2021, 05:39:46 am »

Ok, I'll give that a try thanks.


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Re: Importing a Music Library
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2021, 05:52:42 pm »

A view with a rule selecting tracks with a 44100 sample rate will select the redbook files.

A view with a rule selecting tracks with sample rate not equal to 44100 will select high res and dsd tracks. If you want 44100 and 24 bits to be high res, you will need to add another rule for that, using or logic.

If you have mp3s you have to decide what to with them.  They will appear as redbook unless you exclude them.

There are these special cases to deal with, but if you do that the views will be automatic and you will not have to remember to set a tag correctly.  If you go the tag route where the tag is set manually, then a smartlist looking for blank values in that field is useful


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Re: Importing a Music Library
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2021, 06:40:49 pm »

Thanks dtc, I think I understand.

What I'm going to do however is spend some time updating the tagging of my collection which is a little clunky currently. It shouldn't take me long.......I'll be back around again come Christmas  ;D

Happy New Year by the way.....
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