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Spotlight and other Embedded Browser Pages Don't Scale with View->Size

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So I was kicking the tires on Spotlight, and it looked pretty cool in concept, but everything was very small for some reason.  I have JRiver set to scale 200% under the View-->Size option, but the spotlight window contents appears at 100% so everything is very small.  I don't use the embedded browser much, but clicking around, it looks like I have the same issue with all the pages that rely on the embedded browser (cloudplay, streaming, etc.). 

Not sure if there's a setting somewhere, but I couldn't find any way to trick it into scaling appropriately.  I don't recall this being an issue with the embedded browser in Windows, so I figured I should report it here.  Let me know if I should take it over to the main Spotlight thread instead.

Try clicking in the browser window, then doing ctrl +.  That should increase the font size.


--- Quote from: JimH on April 06, 2022, 11:01:50 am ---Try clicking in the browser window, then doing ctrl +.  That should increase the font size.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the idea, Jim, but it didn't work for me with the embedded browser here on Linux.  Ctrl + does work in my normal browser (outside of MC), but it doesn't seem to do anything in the embedded browser windows in MC.

Awesome Donkey:
Thinking about it, I'm not sure if MC's view sizes can be applied to the embedded browsers, since they're a separate thing.

Odd that CTRL + doesn't seem to work though, maybe it's a quirk of the embedded browsers? I guess if all else fails there's potential workarounds, like perhaps embedding into the Spotlight webpage a drop down menu or something to adjust the font size?


--- Quote from: Awesome Donkey on April 06, 2022, 11:20:24 am ---Odd that CTRL + doesn't seem to work though, maybe it's a quirk of the embedded browsers? I guess if all else fails there's potential workarounds, like perhaps embedding into the Spotlight webpage a drop down menu or something to adjust the font size?

--- End quote ---

I suspect that it's a quirk of the Linux implementation of the embedded browser.  Also to be clear, it's not just the fonts, the images are also quite small. When I use Ctrl + in an external browser to change the zoom level, images also seem to increase in size, so if MC implemented a fix that relied on browser zoom it would probably work.

Given that chromium (and other browsers) have native zoom support, maybe the embedded browser code could just set the browser's own zoom level to match the View->Size setting when MC opens the browser?  I feel like an automatic setting based on the existing View->Size settings would be 90% of the value of creating a drop down, but I'm not sure what kinds of options are available for embedded browsers.


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