Current Behavior: When mouse hovers over the active Tab, a drop down menu appears (Library Views | List Style | Sort By | ...). Also, you can sequentially traverse the history of that tab using the Left/Right Arrow icons in the upper left corner of the window, as well as with keyboard shortcuts.
Request: Add a History menu item to the active Tab drop down menu (suggest placing it right under Library Views). Click this item to bring up a recent history list for this Tab, enabling you to directly select the desired display instead of blindly sequencing with the Left/Right Arrow icons. The history list would include albums, playlists, audio views, image views, etc. Current view is check-marked in the list. If the tab has no history in this MC session, its history item is greyed out.
Alternate Implementation: The history menu shows up when mouse hovers over the Left/Right Arrow buttons (perhaps a bit too intrusive for some).
Presumably the history data is already preserved (but hidden) for the Left/Right Arrow icons. So hopefully it would be relatively easy to make the same information visible in a drop down menu for fast direct navigation, while leaving the arrows in place for those who may sometimes prefer that method.