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Author Topic: Changing names of main music folder/directories  (Read 1268 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Changing names of main music folder/directories
« on: July 15, 2022, 08:28:28 am »

Hi, I recently changed the names of the main directories where all my music files are stored. Nothing inside those directories was changed, only the name of the main one.

So I edited the main directories of my music/live shows/Hi-Res Audio/SACD folders via the configure auto-import option and this action started scanning all my libraries and making one big mess.

Is there a way to go back and undo this scanning?
If not, how do I avoid this situation in the future? As again, no info was changed on the folder structure, except the name of the main folder/directory. I needed only for this change to be made and not to do a full rescaning of all my files.


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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2022, 09:09:26 am »

There are some details of exactly what you did left out.  Before you do anything do a back-up under File>Library>Back-up Library.

You need to first edit where MC looks for your files in Tools>Options>Library & Folders.  Take out what you didn't want MC to look for.

Now go to File>Library>Restore Library.  Browse for a date prior to your change.  Restore and you should be back to square one.

Because you changed the directory name you confused the program.  I would change it back unless you had a specific reason for doing this before I did the restore.  See if that does it.  If not, there is another step you can take.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2022, 10:06:14 am »

It seems that restoring the library to a backup that was done a few days ago did the trick. Thanks!

I have no choice but to change the directory's names, so if there's a better solution besides rescanning the library that would be great.


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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2022, 10:11:47 am »

Go to:  Tools/Library tools/Rename, Move, & Copy Files…     You can also just press F6 to launch the dialog directly.   

More info available here:,_Move,_and_Copy_Files



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2022, 10:47:13 am »

So in my case, I need to "Update database to point to new location", right?


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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2022, 11:51:52 am »

You indicated that restoring the library "did the trick" - does that mean you're top level folder name is back to what it was before?

If that is the case, then use the rename option, and adjust the base path in the RMC dialog to point to your new folder name. If you have already renamed it (again?) in Windows Explorer, then yes, use the option to "update database to point to new location".

You did not indicate how many music files you have, but if it is significant (say 10,000 files or more), realize that the process will take several minutes if not up to 1/2 hour. If you browse around MC while it is doing this update, you are likely to see a bunch of duplicate files as it does its job (for both the old and new path/name).  I would recommend that after launching either of the commands above to just walk away for an hour and let it do its thing, thus ensuring all updates are fully completed before you use the program again.

There is another option as well...
You could simply delete the MC library (which is metadata only, not the music files themselves).  You will of course lose any tags that are not embedded in the files themselves, including album art, so make sure this is something you are okay with if you choose this approach.  I personally keep cover art in one folder myself, and that is backed up daily via my general computer backup, so even if I blow away the music files themselves, I will not lose the several thousand high resolution cover art files I have spent thousands of hours accumulating over the last 15 years. It will also delete all playlists, if that is critical to you.

So why do it?  The one advantage is it clears all kludge associated with the old library, and allows you to start fresh. If you choose to delete the current MC library, make sure your import folder is set to your new location for the files, and run the import tool - this will automatically generate a new MC library. 

And of course, the usual caveat applies - go to: File/Library/Backup Library…    Before doing any of what is described above.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2022, 11:52:23 am »

I'm a bit lost here.

Please see attached screenshot.

I'm trying to update all the database so that the path will go from "F:\Music\SACD HD Audio\" to "F:\Music\HI-RES_Audio\"

The preview shows that I'm missing the album folder. How do I add it to the equation?



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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2022, 12:05:16 pm »

I'm not positive, but I don't think you you need/want to have both directories and find and replace checked simultaneously. Try different combinations of those checkboxes and other options in the RMC dialog, and see what the corresponding preview indicates. I recommend maximizing the RMC dialog so you can see the entire "new" full path.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2022, 12:37:18 pm »

You indicated that restoring the library "did the trick" - does that mean you're top level folder name is back to what it was before?


If that is the case, then use the rename option, and adjust the base path in the RMC dialog to point to your new folder name. If you have already renamed it (again?) in Windows Explorer, then yes, use the option to "update database to point to new location".

Yes, the main folder is already renamed. I can temporarily revert to the old one if it helps in any way.

You did not indicate how many music files you have, but if it is significant (say 10,000 files or more), realize that the process will take several minutes if not up to 1/2 hour. If you browse around MC while it is doing this update, you are likely to see a bunch of duplicate files as it does its job (for both the old and new path/name).  I would recommend that after launching either of the commands above to just walk away for an hour and let it do its thing, thus ensuring all updates are fully completed before you use the program again.

I have almost 100,000 files

There is another option as well...
You could simply delete the MC library (which is metadata only, not the music files themselves).  You will of course lose any tags that are not embedded in the files themselves, including album art, so make sure this is something you are okay with if you choose this approach.  I personally keep cover art in one folder myself, and that is backed up daily via my general computer backup, so even if I blow away the music files themselves, I will not lose the several thousand high resolution cover art files I have spent thousands of hours accumulating over the last 15 years. It will also delete all playlists, if that is critical to you.

So why do it?  The one advantage is it clears all kludge associated with the old library, and allows you to start fresh. If you choose to delete the current MC library, make sure your import folder is set to your new location for the files, and run the import tool - this will automatically generate a new MC library. 

And of course, the usual caveat applies - go to: File/Library/Backup Library…    Before doing any of what is described above.

I prefer not to delete the metadata as I did a lot of corrections to many albums and I don't want to lose it.



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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2022, 01:09:20 pm »

I'm a bit lost here.

Please see attached screenshot.

I'm trying to update all the database so that the path will go from "F:\Music\SACD HD Audio\" to "F:\Music\HI-RES_Audio\"

1.  As another poster said, you do NOT want to use "Directory" in this case.  Uncheck that section.  Only use Find & Replace.
2.  Your Find string appears to be wrong.  You say it's coming from:
Code: [Select]
F:\Music\SACD HD Audio\
But if you look at the preview to the right, where it shows the existing file names, they all start with:
Code: [Select]
F:\Music\Music - SACD HD Audio\
See the extra " Music - " in there?  If that's really where the files are, then you need to put that in your Find section instead.

With these two changes, I would expect it to work as you intended it to.

Good luck to you!


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2022, 01:35:59 pm »

Hi Brian,

Yes, thank you. I did find this mistake and corrected it.

I made the changes and now the MC is updating thumbnails of 100000 files.

Is this how it is supposed to be?
I thought that updating the old path to a new one will spare me from this process.
Not that I mind waiting for it to be updated. I'm just wondering if this is the correct process.


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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2022, 02:51:32 pm »

It may seem simple that "my music files used to be here, and now they are here" and that the process should be instantaneous.  But think about it… with 100,000 files, it has to update hundred thousand line items in a database file to the new path you have specified.  Having to rebuild thumbnails is just part of the process. 

Once all the thumbnails are rebuilt however, thumbnail display in MC is hands down one of its greatest features.  Use virtually any other media player, and there's always a lag on showing the thumbnails, sometimes a substantial lag, and with some players an insane amount of time before they are displayed. A little patience now, pays big dividends later.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Changing names of main music folder/directories
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2022, 03:01:44 am »

I think I was able to make the transition with minimum data loss.

One of the corrections that I need to do now is to unite all multiple albums into one album stracture.

Usually, I just go into the tags option of the album, remove the "CD1/CD2/CD3" text from the album title, make sure that the album title is written the same on all discs, add "disc#" tag and merge the multiple discs into one.

I just wanted to know if there's a faster/easier way to do this process
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