Windows > Television

ATSC 3.0 Support

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SliconDust apps still cannot play Encrypted ATSC 3.0 channels. Just wanted to post something they posted which I thought was hopeful in regards to possible third party adoption one day.

"...we had assumed the broadcasters weren't going to be using DRM until non-TV products had sorted things out, let alone pushing for DRM-by-default. They rushed it. We want to be public with how much the industry has screwed this up, but at the same time we have to be diplomatic. So I can say this much, but I can't give you the full vivid details of what I think about the broadcasters, Pearl, A3SA, etc, and what I would like to scream at them.

All that being said, it's still so much better than dealing with CableCARD DRM. It's still DRM, and DRM sucks, but it's at least a modern DRM approach that is meant to work on more devices, and shares a lot of DNA with streaming services, which have broad support..."

David Sydney:
Just for reference for other readers. ATSC is relevant for North America & Sth Korea broadcasting only. The stanard is not used and therefore not relevant if you are anywhere else in the world according to my reading is that right?

At this time, ATSC 3.0 is used in the US, South Korea and Jamaica, and Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago expressed plans to adopt it in the future.
Many countries which did not use ATSC in the past will likely not swap to it, eg. Europe and Australia will likely continue using evolving versions of DVB instead.

Of course tighter DRM is going to arrive in all systems eventually.

Wow, AS3A's drm has basically nailed the coffin shut for Windows ATSC 3.0

"Will DRM encrypted ATSC 3.0 channels play on my XBox or my Windows 10/11 system?
No. ATSC 3.0 uses Google Widevine DRM encryption which is a competitor to Microsoft PlayReady DRM encryption. This issue is not specific to the HDHomeRun product. A3SA is aware of the problem. There is no solution at this time. Any solution is outside our control and our guess is that a solution is unlikely anytime soon."

Dennis in FL:

--- Quote from: JimH on July 25, 2022, 02:41:35 pm ---If anyone is currently using it, please add more about how it works and what you like or don't like.  Thanks.

--- End quote ---

The reception quality of 3.0 is phenomenal!  I’m getting stations 60 miles away with a cheap attic antenna.  But one by one they went DRM.


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