Craig (cncb) has been working on getting Alexa going in MC. Here's a very early look at where he's at.
It's running now on our idtest machine, but won't output audio for a few more days.
On a mobile phone, install Alexa if you haven't already. Available on the App Store and Play Store. Confirm that Alex works.
On the same device,
Install the Skill.
The skill is called Media Center.
You will be addressing Alexa on your mobile phone or other Alexa device. MC on our idtest machine is the server.
To watch what's happening, you can open a browser to (login: first, second).
Select the "Player" zone in Panel's settings.
Then try this dialog:
Alexa, open media center[once you address Alexa, the command mode remains open]
Commands that will work now are:
what's playing
create a classical playlist [the "a" is essential]
exit [exits the command mode]
You won't hear anything. The only way you can see what's happening is to view Panel. Maybe next week, you'll be able to hear something.
This will not be in MC29. Only in MC30.