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Author Topic: MC 30 Feature Requests  (Read 37347 times)


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #150 on: October 21, 2022, 03:14:02 pm »

Forgive me if this is already buried somewhere deep in the config, but what about per device dsp settings? For example not all playback devices like/even supports sample rate change and this would be a great quality of life improvement to people like me who uses multiple audio devices depending on usecases
You can use Zones to do that.  Start with the Zones topic on the wiki.
Yep. This is a Zone thing. I have a handful of Zones. Some with the same devices but different settings (say downmix 7.1 to headphones), others for different D/A gear or virtual / audio sink endpoints.

Get familiar with Zones. JRiver makes it incredibly easy to 'move' the currently loaded / playing stuff to a different Zone quite seamlessly, or you can automate the switching based upon conditions.



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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #151 on: October 22, 2022, 09:19:18 am »

When creating or modifying a SmartList the order of any Modifiers can change the results...

In the case below... "Expand To Full Albums" and then "Sort" was not working as I wanted...  seems the expand happened first and then the sort, so the displayed track did include the full album, but were not grouped together.  (makes sense now... Thanks Marko).

However if I move the "Expand To Full Albums" below the sort it works as I wanted...  the tracks are sorted as I want and THEN the "Expand to Full Albums" is done.

Since the order of the SmartList Modifiers order is important, the ability to move them up/down would be helpful.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #152 on: October 28, 2022, 07:06:38 am »

I'd like to see a subtitle synchronization function, not for any sort of streaming video, but for videos of which you have the files (and subtitles).

If my subtitles are off by 3 seconds I'd like to be able to enter this value somewhere and MC adjust the subtitles accordingly.

Since VLC has the feature I describe I currently have to use VLC for any video I have where they subtitles are not in sync.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #153 on: October 28, 2022, 07:41:12 am »

I'd like to see a subtitle synchronization function, not for any sort of streaming video, but for videos of which you have the files (and subtitles).

If my subtitles are off by 3 seconds I'd like to be able to enter this value somewhere and MC adjust the subtitles accordingly.
e.g. right click on picture ==> subtitles ==> timing, or from OSD settings ==> subtitle timing. Probably there is also keyboard shortcut or if there isn't you can add one to custom resources file


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #154 on: October 28, 2022, 08:45:28 am »

e.g. right click on picture ==> subtitles ==> timing, or from OSD settings ==> subtitle timing. Probably there is also keyboard shortcut or if there isn't you can add one to custom resources file

Ah, thank you. I searched for "sync" & "subtitles" in all the options & settings and couldn't find it. I was shocked that it wasn't there, but now I see that it is.

After having looked looking at it my feature request becomes:

Feature Request: Arbitrary Values for Subtitle Sync
Currently you're limited to a range of 5 seconds in either direction. Which is usually sufficient, but I have a video where the subtitles are off by nearly a minute. It would be nice if along with the current range offered there would be "custom" available either at the top or bottom of the list



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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #155 on: October 28, 2022, 08:55:35 am »

More can be set using osd. Other option is to add shorcut keys to Resource.xml file ("Data/Custom Resources" folder)
example file contents.
Code: [Select]
  <MJRS version="1.0">

    <!-- Global shortcut that begins a Play Doctor session -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Alt;R" Command="10047:6" Global="1" />

    <!-- Go to folder containing selected file (external) -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Alt;Shift;D" Command="26004" Param="-2" />

    <!-- Go to folder containing selected file (internal)-->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Alt;D" Command="26004" Param="-1" />

<!-- Toggles the tree pane open and closed -->
<Entry Key="Ctrl;Shift;W" Command="22029" Param="-1" TranslateFlags="23" />

    <!-- Increment subtitle delay by 500ms -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;F1" Command="28037" Param="-500" TranslateFlags="13" />
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;F2" Command="28037" Param="500" TranslateFlags="13" />





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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #156 on: October 28, 2022, 11:15:08 am »

Back to topic!

My wish would be more precise play history by design.
Currently it can be achieved by entering some magic to after playback expression but it is a little hacky way and need to be set to all clients manually. Also when using remote that history set in the expression is not triggered at all.

Currently MC just save the play count but I think that saving also play date could open interesting possibilities to create playlists, statistics etc etc.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #157 on: October 28, 2022, 02:34:28 pm »

Back to topic!

My wish would be more precise play history by design.
Currently it can be achieved by entering some magic to after playback expression but it is a little hacky way and need to be set to all clients manually. Also when using remote that history set in the expression is not triggered at all.

Currently MC just save the play count but I think that saving also play date could open interesting possibilities to create playlists, statistics etc etc.

I feel you. I'd like this as well. I have to poll JRiver for playback state / info currently anyways so I've been pushing the info of played items into a MongoDB instance.  I dunno if it's anything particularly useful in the long run but I might as well have it.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests (Sync with Mobile Phone)
« Reply #158 on: October 29, 2022, 09:45:19 am »

In reply 54 you promised improvement and asked me to tryout in MC30. Nothing changed actually. Problems are still the same.

Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2022, 04:55:35 am »
I have already payed for the pre-release of MC30 as I did for the last 15 years or so. Yet there is still an irritation for as long as i am using mc on my phone. Synchronizing is not as robust as it should be. I have about 7,500 songs on my Samsung S20 FE (MicroSD) 80% Flacs and 20% MP3. Every third or fourth time of sync. something goes wrong. MC doesn't see my tracks anymore and wants to copy all my tracks again which will lead to overcapacity. Instead of a new feature, why not concentrate on fixing this problem once and for all. And if you want to have a new feature, why not include wifi sync.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #159 on: October 29, 2022, 02:22:40 pm »

Small feature request:

I *really* appreciate 'view extras', it's alright for extras (all my extras for each film are in /Film (Year)/extras/) but where I've found it useful is selecting 'versions' of a movie, or even more useful, opening the next episode in my television folders. Since JRiver is clearly keeping track of what else is in the folder of a playing item already, would it be possible to implement an MCC / MCWS command that would allow a 'play next in folder' type functionality? Ideally with the ability to only select video files, and not image files that are stored in the same folder but I don't mind hitting sending the command twice.
I can probably just script something to do this outside of JRiver by looking at the path of the currently playing item but it would be nice to have.



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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #160 on: October 31, 2022, 05:58:25 pm »

My request:  add to the command line ( ) the ability to initiate a backup of the MC library, i.e., the Ctrl-Shift-B functionality., with a parameter to save or not save thumbnails.  At this point, using the configured backup destination is fine by me., just like the Ctrl-Shift-B functionality.

Use case: Each evening when I shut down my main PC, I have a script that runs, and various important items are backed up via that script to my backup/archive system.  I would like to add the backing up of the current MC library to that script.

The reason this request rose to the surface for me is that I had made a couple of changes to things in the library.  I had made those changes after the routine backup that MC had done.  The result was that I had to revert to an older version of the library when I had a [self-inflicted] issue.

And yes, I know about doing backups before I play, but sometimes I'm so involved in the tunes that good IT hygiene falls to the wayside.  :)

So, I'm asking for a command line option that echoes the Ctrl-Shift-B behavior.


Vinyl: Shure V15VxMR, Shure VN5MR stylus, VPI Scout turntable
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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #161 on: November 01, 2022, 09:12:25 am »

My request:  add to the command line ( ) the ability to initiate a backup of the MC library, i.e., the Ctrl-Shift-B functionality., with a parameter to save or not save thumbnails.  At this point, using the configured backup destination is fine by me., just like the Ctrl-Shift-B functionality.
20011   MCC_BACKUP_LIBRARY   int nMode (0: normal, 1: silent automatic backup)
*AFAIK this command does not have any option to save thumbnails

I use a window task to do this twice a day, and another to delete files older than ten days in the directory. Then I use backup software every 24hrs (to a different drive) for the MC install directory, cover art directory, and library backup directory. Keeping the six most recent of these.
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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #162 on: November 01, 2022, 12:59:43 pm »

this command does not have any option to save thumbnails

Please tell me what is the benefit of save thumbnails ?
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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #163 on: November 01, 2022, 01:40:04 pm »

Thumbnails will be included in the backup, so they don't need to be rebuilt after a restore.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #164 on: November 02, 2022, 11:01:27 am »
20011   MCC_BACKUP_LIBRARY   int nMode (0: normal, 1: silent automatic backup)
*AFAIK this command does not have any option to save thumbnails

Yes, that looks like it may do what I need.  I'll give it a try when I get a chance and report back here.

Vinyl: Shure V15VxMR, Shure VN5MR stylus, VPI Scout turntable
Shellac: Shure M91, Shure N75-3 stylus,  Dual 1218 turntable

Apt Holman preamp (updated), Benchmark Media ADC-1, Benchmark Media DAC-1, Carver TFM-45 power amp (updated), Original Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (LF surrounds replaced), Sennheiser HD590 headphones


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #165 on: November 02, 2022, 11:02:24 am »

Thumbnails will be included in the backup, so they don't need to be rebuilt after a restore.

That's my preference, i.e., that thumbnails are included in the backup, so it's all good.

Vinyl: Shure V15VxMR, Shure VN5MR stylus, VPI Scout turntable
Shellac: Shure M91, Shure N75-3 stylus,  Dual 1218 turntable

Apt Holman preamp (updated), Benchmark Media ADC-1, Benchmark Media DAC-1, Carver TFM-45 power amp (updated), Original Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (LF surrounds replaced), Sennheiser HD590 headphones


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #166 on: November 02, 2022, 12:37:55 pm »

Yes, that looks like it may do what I need.  I'll give it a try when I get a chance and report back here.


OK, here's the command I used (specific to my PC)...

Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 29\MC29.exe" /MCC  20011,1
That works, creating a backup of the Library in the backup folder I specified in Tools>Options>File Location> Library backups

Many thx.

Vinyl: Shure V15VxMR, Shure VN5MR stylus, VPI Scout turntable
Shellac: Shure M91, Shure N75-3 stylus,  Dual 1218 turntable

Apt Holman preamp (updated), Benchmark Media ADC-1, Benchmark Media DAC-1, Carver TFM-45 power amp (updated), Original Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (LF surrounds replaced), Sennheiser HD590 headphones


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #167 on: November 02, 2022, 12:48:26 pm »

That's my preference, i.e., that thumbnails are included in the backup ...


Now that I'm paying closer attention, I see the following...

Without thumbnails, the Library backup file is around 20MB in size.

With thumbnails, around 100MB.

With that in mind, the automatic routine backup that MC performs does not seem to save thumbnails in the backups.  The thumbnails only seem to be saved when I manually select File>Library>Back Up Library from the menu and answer yes to the prompt for thumbnails.

Also, thumbnails are not saved when I run the command from the command line, above.

Am I missing a Tools>Options setting that enables Thumbnail saves with each Library save?  I tried searching options, but came up empty.

While my preference is to save thumbnails with the backups, not saving them is not a big thing for me, as they are recreated if needed.

Vinyl: Shure V15VxMR, Shure VN5MR stylus, VPI Scout turntable
Shellac: Shure M91, Shure N75-3 stylus,  Dual 1218 turntable

Apt Holman preamp (updated), Benchmark Media ADC-1, Benchmark Media DAC-1, Carver TFM-45 power amp (updated), Original Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (LF surrounds replaced), Sennheiser HD590 headphones


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #168 on: November 02, 2022, 01:27:03 pm »

Now that I'm paying closer attention, I see the following...

Without thumbnails, the Library backup file is around 20MB in size.

With thumbnails, around 100MB.

With that in mind, the automatic routine backup that MC performs does not seem to save thumbnails in the backups.  The thumbnails only seem to be saved when I manually select File>Library>Back Up Library from the menu and answer yes to the prompt for thumbnails.

Also, thumbnails are not saved when I run the command from the command line, above.

Am I missing a Tools>Options setting that enables Thumbnail saves with each Library save?  I tried searching options, but came up empty.

While my preference is to save thumbnails with the backups, not saving them is not a big thing for me, as they are recreated if needed.

There is an option under Library & Folders => Behavior => Thumbnails in library backups

Maybe this is what you are looking for?


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #169 on: November 02, 2022, 01:42:12 pm »

Could we get an option to export the Analyze Audio data to a text file in the audio folder?  Similar to the foo_dr.txt file...

Also maybe a feature to generate and save an MD5 checksum file in the folder?



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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #170 on: November 02, 2022, 03:43:53 pm »

There is an option under Library & Folders => Behavior => Thumbnails in library backups

Maybe this is what you are looking for?

That would be what I'm looking for, but I don't see it.  I looked in Tools>Options>Library & Folders

I'm still on MC29 running on Windows, if that is a difference.
Vinyl: Shure V15VxMR, Shure VN5MR stylus, VPI Scout turntable
Shellac: Shure M91, Shure N75-3 stylus,  Dual 1218 turntable

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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #171 on: November 02, 2022, 04:22:36 pm »

I'm still on MC29 running on Windows, if that is a difference.
You nailed it!


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #172 on: November 02, 2022, 04:51:02 pm »

You nailed it!

Ahhh, thanks.

Apologies for the "one version behind" noise.

In any case, the command-line backup works well for me, and I'll wait for MC30 for the thumbnail option.

Thanks again to all that assisted.

Vinyl: Shure V15VxMR, Shure VN5MR stylus, VPI Scout turntable
Shellac: Shure M91, Shure N75-3 stylus,  Dual 1218 turntable

Apt Holman preamp (updated), Benchmark Media ADC-1, Benchmark Media DAC-1, Carver TFM-45 power amp (updated), Original Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (LF surrounds replaced), Sennheiser HD590 headphones


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #173 on: November 02, 2022, 06:27:01 pm »

Ahhh, thanks.

Apologies for the "one version behind" noise.

In any case, the command-line backup works well for me, and I'll wait for MC30 for the thumbnail option.

Thanks again to all that assisted.

This conversation taught me that there are no options in the dialogues to customize how often the library is backed up.  I was surprised by this.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #174 on: November 03, 2022, 07:44:15 pm »

Ability to add zones that are copies of DLNA devices. For example, I would like to have a Mu-so zone and a "Mu-so with volume leveling" zone. I can do that now for local playback devices, but not for DLNA devices. I can create two different DLNA Servers, one with volume leveling and one without, but I need to use MC on the server to change the DLNA Server associated with the device. If I could create two DLNA zones for the same device that would allow me to select the desired playback style with a remote on my phone.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #175 on: November 04, 2022, 03:18:06 am »

Remember the last used setting for "decrypt video files" when using makemkv backup (or any other way to let me default this to checked)


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #176 on: November 04, 2022, 01:27:32 pm »

I got no replies to my standalone post, so I'll try it as a feature request.

Please consider making Analyze Audio multi-threaded, with a UI to select how many threads to use. This would be very useful when building a new video library from scratch.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #177 on: November 04, 2022, 03:25:05 pm »

I got no replies to my standalone post, so I'll try it as a feature request.

Please consider making Analyze Audio multi-threaded, with a UI to select how many threads to use. This would be very useful when building a new video library from scratch.

Analyze Audio uses one thread per file, and already has an option to select how many files to run in parallel.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #178 on: November 04, 2022, 04:01:25 pm »

Remember the last used setting for "decrypt video files" when using makemkv backup (or any other way to let me default this to checked)

Added to build 30.0.29


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #179 on: November 08, 2022, 09:37:18 pm »

Does it not work to issue an MCWS command? Or is it that you're locked out of this, specifically with full disc menu playback?
http://xxxxxx:52199/MCWS/v1/Control/MCC?Command=10052&Parameter=1 toggle on
http://xxxxxx:52199/MCWS/v1/Control/MCC?Command=10052&Parameter=-1 next
http://xxxxxx:52199/MCWS/v1/Control/MCC?Command=10052&Parameter=-2 previous

You can also select a specific subtitle track with this. JRiver doesn't really output all the subtitle tracks in a file (please correct me if im wrong) so to get the list of subtitles and their 'track' in a video, I separately have my mediainfo.xml for the corresponding file parsed and used to get those track titles / languages into whatever control system I'm using. So I ask JRiver for what's playing, get the file's full filename + path, and then I ask the metadata server for a file in a similar directory structure named FILENAME-mediainfo.xml and that's where I parse out the track names. My tracks are named by language but ALSO typically commented since I frequently have multiple audio mixes, various commentaries, subtitles from different releases over the years (lots of foreign films have multiple translations) etc. It's just helpful to actually have that information available elsewhere.

Feature request! MCWS call that can return the audio and subtitle tracks from the currently playing file INCLUDING Title (In mediainfo, it's the field called Title)

Right, these MCC commands for subtitles do not work when viewing the Blu Ray using "Menu Mode".  I choose to use "Menu" rather than "Title" because this is the only way to seemingly get reliable "forced subtitles" to appear.

Is there something about menu playback that prevents MC from toggling subtitles directly?


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #180 on: November 09, 2022, 12:49:47 am »

Right, these MCC commands for subtitles do not work when viewing the Blu Ray using "Menu Mode".  I choose to use "Menu" rather than "Title" because this is the only way to seemingly get reliable "forced subtitles" to appear.

Is there something about menu playback that prevents MC from toggling subtitles directly?

In Menu Mode, the menu controls stream selection, not MC.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #181 on: November 09, 2022, 03:05:16 am »



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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #182 on: November 10, 2022, 05:12:03 am »

Analyze Audio uses one thread per file, and already has an option to select how many files to run in parallel.
I know. What I'd like is one thread per file, if that's doable without too much work.

EDIT: This is really only an issue for video files. Audio files are fast enough with a single thread.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #183 on: November 10, 2022, 05:34:19 am »

I know. What I'd like is one thread per file, if that's doable without too much work.

But one thread per file is exactly what this option does, up to the maximum of X that you configured.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #184 on: November 10, 2022, 10:17:02 am »

Please make it possible for Skin Creators to be able to use Modified Versions of the 15 ViewHeaderxxxxx.png and Zone.png 256x56 Icons on a skin-by-skin basis by holding them in the Skin Folder in the same way we can with the smaller (64x64) icon sets.
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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #185 on: November 10, 2022, 10:22:17 am »

But one thread per file is exactly what this option does, up to the maximum of X that you configured.
Sorry I misread your reply. I don't see the extra threads in Process Monitor, so I'll try a different tool.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #186 on: November 10, 2022, 01:00:46 pm »

Tree > Services & Plug-ins > Media Network > Server Activity Log window

Identify the server associated with each Port in your static Ports: list (since Port Numbers are displayed in the activity lines).
This would be especially useful when viewing "Summary (all servers)" to get a better overview of the activity.

Update:  Actually, I see port number listed for each individual server when it is selected, so above is not really necessary.  Sorry for the noise.



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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #187 on: November 21, 2022, 12:35:52 pm »

+1 on this one - be able to import REW filters into PEQ, I have been waiting for that for ages

Is there any chance please that this will be considered for version 30?
Thank you


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #188 on: November 22, 2022, 03:37:14 pm »

The ability to select individual items from the listitem function.  See this thread for details.

Bring back video backgrounds in Theater View.  It's been years since you removed them and I still miss them greatly.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #189 on: November 22, 2022, 05:09:33 pm »

Request:  Simplify copying field values between databases, for example copying an audio field to an image field, by adding an optional database specifier prefix to entries in  Tools > Library Tools ... > Move / Copy Fields.

Example: See attachment.  Prefixes must be either omitted (current behavior) or else specified in pairs as shown.  The source and destination field names need not be the same, but they must be type-compatible.

Note:  This copy task can currently be accomplished with the FieldQuery() function.  However that is somewhat tedious and not at all obvious to the casual user.  Furthermore, it sometimes requires copying to and from a temporary intermediate field.  The Request would greatly simplify the process and is a clear logical extension of Move / Copy Fields.

Further extension:  Allow this syntax directly in Tree field entry boxes.  Even better, make it a general feature of the Expression Language which can be used in searches, etc.

UPDATE 11/23/2022:  Upon further thought, this suggestion makes no sense in its current form.  In general you really need the full power of the FieldQuery() function to uniquely identify a Source field in another database.  That would require all of its function parameters be included in an "advanced" Move / Copy menu that works between databases.


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #190 on: November 29, 2022, 03:32:55 am »

I would like the possibility to manually resize the width of panes columns.

Mike Rubin

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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #191 on: November 29, 2022, 12:16:02 pm »

Is anyone other than I interested in a folder view?


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #192 on: December 05, 2022, 09:19:47 am »

Recursive delete would simplify removing TV Shows and music boxsets.

I am in the midst of clearing some space on my NAS and don't look relish removing several TV Shows with 5+ seasons of episodes.
HTPC - Windows 11 64-bit Minisforum MS-01

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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #193 on: December 05, 2022, 12:06:13 pm »

I use a custom Tooltips extensively for audio, music video's (concerts) and movies.

When playing a video in full screen, I would like to see the ability to see the Tooltip information by hovering over the top center JRiver display data or by selecting a "icon" in the display area in order to show the tooltip data for the file that is playing.

See attached sample as an example.

Wilhelm Kabus

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MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #194 on: December 12, 2022, 09:23:53 am »

When applying tags in the Media Import function, I am cleaning up the letter case with the FixCase function. On list fields like Artist and Genre, the FixCase doesn't work.

Can you change the code to also handle case conversion in import on list fields, just like it works in the Clean Tags function?

Thank you from Norway!


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #195 on: December 13, 2022, 01:49:05 pm »

Recursive delete would simplify removing TV Shows and music boxsets.

I am in the midst of clearing some space on my NAS and don't look relish removing several TV Shows with 5+ seasons of episodes.

Just rm -r in a terminal or use a file manager?

Wilhelm Kabus

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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #196 on: December 14, 2022, 11:27:04 am »

When applying tags in the Media Import function, I am cleaning up the letter case with the FixCase function. On list fields like Artist and Genre, the FixCase doesn't work.

Can you change the code to also handle case conversion in import on list fields, just like it works in the Clean Tags function?

Thank you from Norway!

With no reply from the JRiver guys, I repeat my request  :)


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #197 on: December 14, 2022, 12:04:02 pm »

With no reply from the JRiver guys, I repeat my request  :)

Will you start a thread and show some examples of what you're trying to fix the case on and what you're getting?

I tried on list type fields and it was working for me.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #198 on: December 14, 2022, 01:06:51 pm »

He talked to me over email and it will be fixed next build.  We were applying tag on import rules to list fields as append, but I'm going to switch to replace.  Please let us know in another thread if that causes any issues.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 30 Feature Requests
« Reply #199 on: December 24, 2022, 04:39:35 pm »

My request is the support of the AV1 Image File Format (AVIF).
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