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Issues with MC 27 after installing Qobuz app on windows 10
Like it says in the subject, ever since I installed the Qobuz windows app, I have been having a lot of issues with MC. MC seems to have problems connecting to the sound driver, even when Qobuz is not running. Mainly if MC has been sitting idle for a while, when I com.e back it seems to not connect to the audio device, have to reboot the PC in order to get it to work again. Any thoughts?
Windows sometimes mutes itself. Check all the olume settings. MC, windows mixer, etc.
I assume you're using our DM driver?
What do you mean by DM driver, all I did and ever did was install MC with the MC installer. In audio settings with in MC I selected the sound device. I have checked and I did not find windows to have muted itself, but I will do more checking the next time it happens. I also uninstalled the Quboz app and will see if that helps.
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