More > JRiver Media Center 30 for Windows
Installing MC30 and Questions
Please read these instructions (begin at Installation)
Download files can be found on the Download Page and on the MC30 boards here.
You can retrieve your license here:
On Windows, your existing data will be found and used by MC30. On Mac and Linux, you just need to restore a backup:
Keep your prior version installed until you're happy with MC30. Then uninstall it.
Please post any questions here.
Updated. No installation problems :)
I have a question about folders.
The legacy version was installed in *\Media Center 29\ folder, the current version intends to get installed in *\Media Center 30 folder". Does it mean I'm gonna have two MC versions on my engine, or will the legacy version get uninstalled?
And a related question - what if I want to have MC installed in a folder without its version (*\Media Center\) and upgrade to the next build? Can safely overwrite the existing installation in this folder?
I’ve asked this on other versions and the answer is that you can uninstall the previous version when you are satisfied with the new one.
I bought an MC29 -> MC30 upgrade three days ago. However, JRiver email "JRiver Media Center 30 Builds Are Available Now" states today:
--- Quote ---You own an MC30 license, even if you purchased MC29. You can retrieve your license from our Restore Page.
--- End quote ---
What gives, should have I not paid for the upgrade?
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