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Author Topic: MadVR exlusive mode blackblinking and glitches and washed out color no brightnes  (Read 16333 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Ohh thank you for responding. wasnt actually expecting a response on a saturday :-).

I Am not sure I fully understood your commen on Lg hdr tonemapping(this is the option, let madvr decide or passthrough hdr to display) vs madvr pixe shaders tonemapping. Did you say in the last sentence that lg does very good tonemapping, better than even madvr beta and that is what You use(ex let madvr decide setting)? I thought choosing pixelshaders was the best option and best performance wise. or is this option only about madvr tonemapping and nothing better performance and less artifacts which I think I get. not 100 persent sure on this one. but I think choosing highlight recovery strength medium did produce less interpolation artifacts. I checked this on a starwars movie and the artifact one get infront of the nose of the spaceships flying through the light clouds( glorie or some space that is blurred, as in not clear) this was gone or not visable. pleasent surprize.

about that yt video. which is probably 50 or 60 hz video is better watched with lower hz in windows display, same goes for the 50 hz netflix videos. that is why I always setting at 60 hz because then I get the best result, if not my system like with jrvier movies decides to suddenly do bad videohandeling. very strange when suddenly there is way more artifacts in the video and stutter ...often goes hand in hand when this happens. as for jriver and youtube, I might look at that. It is not that important for me as windows at 60 hz when working is ok.

Ok so in Covenant movie in white bright room opening scene you also get this erractic stutter as the person walks across the room and movement in close up the lines along the face shivers a lot this type of stuff? And such things does not bother You? like when the robotoid sit in a chair at very start and raised himself from the chair and the head is shivering and also as he then walks across the floor..the body is shivering as it walks. same goes when he walks from the piano to get the man a coup of tea? I try to describe this as accurate as I can...I have a feeling that this is to bad to be normal and that you does not get it that bad. also when the camera move up to the robotoids face while he plays the piano..the bright background and the edge along his face is shivering a lot. This is how bad it is at my tv. I tried to describe it as accurate than I can with words. Does this sounds familiar to you too?

Passthrough HDR to Display or Let MadVR Decide

That youtube video is 30fps

399 mp4   1920x1080   30    │  745.94MiB  1715k https │ av01.0.08M.08  1715k video only          1080p, mp4_dash
137 mp4   1920x1080   30    │    1.39GiB  3279k https │ avc1.640028    3279k video only          1080p, mp4_dash
248 webm  1920x1080   30    │    1.00GiB  2363k https │ vp9            2363k video only          1080p, webm_dash
400 mp4   2560x1440   30    │    2.64GiB  6213k https │ av01.0.12M.08  6213k video only          1440p, mp4_dash
271 webm  2560x1440   30    │    3.27GiB  7707k https │ vp9            7707k video only          1440p, webm_dash
401 mp4   3840x2160   30    │    5.55GiB 13064k https │ av01.0.12M.08 13064k video only          2160p, mp4_dash
313 webm  3840x2160   30    │    7.27GiB 17124k https │ vp9           17124k video only          2160p, webm_dash

I checked out that scene from Covenant looking real close up. I think I see what you're talking about when I'm in 'Game Optimizer Mode' but it's almost nothing when I'm in ISF Dark (with the 1080P SDR BluRay) and In HDR Filmmaker mode checking the UHD disc (I didn't know which copy you had so I tried both). Do you have some setting on in your display perhaps? It's prominent in game optimizer mode but not the modes I've calibrated for movies.



  • Galactic Citizen
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Ok I used pixel shader. does it matter?

Ok I thought the video was 60 or 50 fps. thats explains it. at 120 hz it is hard to get it smooth with a 30 fps video.

OK so You get this shivering stuttering effect in game optimiser mode(the picture mode setting), but not in filmmaker mode or expert dark mode. So you get very little as in not very noticable at all as in you have to look closely to notice it, so almost nothing I only get it that good using dejudder at 7. The bad effect on my screen one does not have to look closely to notice it. it is that bad. like when he starts to play the piano and camera pans up to his face. his face line shivers a lot as in one does not have to look closely. or any other motion especially if their heads is in motion close up(this is when one see it best...not if the object is smaller, like when the man walks away from the piano towards the chair, this scene is it not that noticable. essential the whole scene in the white room see it actually many times..this shiver effect.  I have tried disable game optimiser in general setting or have it on. In picture mode I have tried game mode, filmmaker mode, and dark mode. they are all the same on my screen.

So this is what I suspected. You actually have a very clean perfomance and motion, only in extreme scenes with bright white background with the robotoids head in motion in foreground, which the shivering effect is the most  detectable, but you only get it very little as in not very annoying, thus have to look closely or focus on it, just a bit along the faceline. (the scene where the cam is paning up and to the robotoids face as he plays the piano, this is an extreme scene where this is easy to see ) . This is what have been my trouble all along since I bought the tv. If I remember correctly I got your performance with 120 hz and fps..back in january or december.

so I think this problem that I can not use exclusive mode due to black blinking could be connected to this. also strange that I have to untick accelerated video decoding(which should let the gpu to the heavy lifting) to stop glitching.


  • Galactic Citizen
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I think I have disabled most things on my tv, AI, energy saving and such. and also at picture mode I disable most thing which they recommend at So I do not think that it is a setting at my tv.

Didnīt You write that You where abel to use dark or bright expert mode when tvs hdr is activated by choosing let madvr decide or push through hdr to display?

If You see the whole opening scene, You will discover it very easily, You dont have to focus or "look" for it. It is that noticable. Maybe it has someting to do with You using a blueray disc, while I use only a file?( good quality real resolution about 50 gb). Very strange that I Am not able to get that same result. Did You have to calibrate it to get this away? I have done no calibration in madvr. I have tried to disable and enable the game optimizer in general settings. I does not have any effect. I never use game optimizer mode, which is not recommended for movies. I use filmmakermode or dark or bright expert mode( both last ones are not available in tvs hdr mode. and most things set by off.

I thought I had it going the first time I had the new card installed watching interstellar..but I was wrong confirmed by alien covenant movie. I now have the same problem which I have had the whole time. There is someting bad a play and I do not know what that could be. You are getting the result that I am looking for. You dont have to use dejudder to get control of the shivering effect, thus have a normal behaviour. Only good thing now is that I Am now 100 persent sure something is not as is should be and as I have known all time really. But it is hard to describe it so that the people at the forum is knowing that it is not a complete non informed person that is talking about som non existant problem and is experiencing what I interpret as a problem which is not there(many believe that and that is my impression for a long time, not You though, You are the only one that really got this settled, thus confirming that there is a problem. I know that there is not much You can do about it probably.

Jim is talking about driver issues. I have tested every driver that come out since january and also older drivers like windows install at fresh install I have also tried a couple of old drivers some time back too. I really dont think this is a driver issue though, then many would have had this problem. and it is now clear that it is not the gpu. I nvidia panel I have power at max and vsync on and trippel buffer on and disable gsync off and in resolution I chose nvidia color setting and set it to 10 bit and also set it to limited and not full range. Then oled is not that bad after all. It is not great when it comes to motion but it is not horriblel either..because You got a rock solid performance. And now I know at least how to get that thanks to You!!,

But nothing has been solved by this new gpu. this is so strange.


  • Galactic Citizen
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in JRiver under general setting there is a setting called called Video card which is set to automatic. should I just leave this at auto or maybe set it to high quality for high end gpus.. or is this just some unimportant setting and have nothing with the performance of videoplay?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I think I have disabled most things on my tv, AI, energy saving and such. and also at picture mode I disable most thing which they recommend at So I do not think that it is a setting at my tv.

Didnīt You write that You where abel to use dark or bright expert mode when tvs hdr is activated by choosing let madvr decide or push through hdr to display?

If You see the whole opening scene, You will discover it very easily, You dont have to focus or "look" for it. It is that noticable. Maybe it has someting to do with You using a blueray disc, while I use only a file?( good quality real resolution about 50 gb). Very strange that I Am not able to get that same result. Did You have to calibrate it to get this away? I have done no calibration in madvr. I have tried to disable and enable the game optimizer in general settings. I does not have any effect. I never use game optimizer mode, which is not recommended for movies. I use filmmakermode or dark or bright expert mode( both last ones are not available in tvs hdr mode. and most things set by off.

I thought I had it going the first time I had the new card installed watching interstellar..but I was wrong confirmed by alien covenant movie. I now have the same problem which I have had the whole time. There is someting bad a play and I do not know what that could be. You are getting the result that I am looking for. You dont have to use dejudder to get control of the shivering effect, thus have a normal behaviour. Only good thing now is that I Am now 100 persent sure something is not as is should be and as I have known all time really. But it is hard to describe it so that the people at the forum is knowing that it is not a complete non informed person that is talking about som non existant problem and is experiencing what I interpret as a problem which is not there(many believe that and that is my impression for a long time, not You though, You are the only one that really got this settled, thus confirming that there is a problem. I know that there is not much You can do about it probably.

Jim is talking about driver issues. I have tested every driver that come out since january and also older drivers like windows install at fresh install I have also tried a couple of old drivers some time back too. I really dont think this is a driver issue though, then many would have had this problem. and it is now clear that it is not the gpu. I nvidia panel I have power at max and vsync on and trippel buffer on and disable gsync off and in resolution I chose nvidia color setting and set it to 10 bit and also set it to limited and not full range. Then oled is not that bad after all. It is not great when it comes to motion but it is not horriblel either..because You got a rock solid performance. And now I know at least how to get that thanks to You!!,

But nothing has been solved by this new gpu. this is so strange.

A majority of my sources are discs where available (I generate full remuxes + retain the BDMV folder structure) so I am playing files.
I haven't watched a physical disc directly in YEARS despite having a massive library that I add to all the time. Setting up the ingest takes like 5 more minutes than popping a disc in and watching it so why WOULDNT I just ingest them and then never think about it again?

s your copy of Covenant a UHD Remux?
IIRC there's only 1 video stream floating for all regions on UHD disc so we shouldn't have video differences if yours is a straight remux. I think mine clocks in at about 60GB but there's converted FLAC tracks in it as well as the original audio.

I nvidia panel I have power at max and vsync on and trippel buffer on and disable gsync off and in resolution I chose nvidia color setting and set it to 10 bit and also set it to limited and not full range.

You shouldn't need to force VSync here, nor Triple Buffer (though again, smart of you to try that as it's occasionally a fix for uncooperative software). Your other settings are correct, but in my case, I do full range in Nvidia, full range in MadVR (MadVR is fine at handling this) and auto for the LG display. 

I'm thinking about this and perhaps it's the older display you have? Not that it's much of a helpful suggestion as who the hell is replacing their display? It wouldn't surprise me though if LG has evolved the motion over time in newer models in subtle ways (either with tighter control of the panels, faster GTG transitions, or undefeatable processing).
Honestly can you just film it with your phone camera close up? It's probably NOT going to be helpful for us to see this or a 'great' representation but hey, it can't hurt to try.

Yes, with HDR you have a different set of 'profiles' for video on your LG.
For HDR the 'correct' mode is Filmmaker and for SDR the correct one is ISF Expert Dark Room, at least when we're talking about movies / video content where you'd like relatively accurate, neutral reproduction. This is the C1 / C2 I'm talking about, your B series might be different (though I kind of doubt it).



  • Galactic Citizen
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here is my file: Alien.Covenant.2017.2160p.BluRay.REMUX.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-FGT

trippel buffer off and set NP to full range and also in madvr which I already have it on full range. If I set both to limited I get darker image if I remember correctly.

and You write "nd auto for the LG display. " I dont understand this for lg display?

and You are correct on that it is not the latest b1 model. production is 2021 week 1. so this could be it but I doubt it I dont think that the problem on my tv is normal at all that many have this problem, they would have complained I would think.

Yes I could film it. I think I have done this once before but I was not able to post it on the forum to big file even if only some seconds long.  And also strangely I think when I filmed it it was not so visable on film from a phone. something is not presented correctly. but how can I share it? I have no problem sharing it.

yes I have the same modes/profiles...filmmaker mode or dark expert..those are the ones I use too. but I have not calibrated them like You have or do You mean the madvr calibration under device in advance setting. Update: in hdr I only have filmmaker mode and no bright or dark expert mode.

One more thing. I tried to tick off the 3 first options in artifact removal in the processing tab in madvr adv setting. I get a steady rendering at about 30 this ok?  when I have vsync on the osd show a headroom of 41 ms. Then it is good right? This is on the 3050 so If this is more than ok...I would say 3050 is more than good, albeit I am going  to buy a new card in the future and now TV too as I want your setup which sounds awasome...from your is what I get with interpolation at 7. 


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Assuming that you're still trying to get madVR to work as you wish, please try this thread on doom9:

I've forgotten why you can't use JRVR, our renderer.

You have problems with the video display and they seem erratic (one time with no problems, next time with problems).  My first guess on a problem like that is always hardware, including drivers, or something like antivirus that interferes with files as they are read.

But it could be interference from some other source.  Power, network, neighbor's table saw, etc.

I would not expect trial and error with madVR settings to be very useful.  There is a thread on configuring madVR somewhere on this board.  You could try returning to default madVR settings, then following the instructions in that thread.

I'd prefer that you use the doom9 thread now since this is not really much about MC.

Thanks, eve, and everyone else who helped.


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Galactic Citizen
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Could at least eve respond the last posts and then end it. I dont know why I have to do it all over again at doom9 as madvr is a part of MC. I have the same problem all along I thougth is was ok because the movie I tried it on did not reveal my problem..thus forth and back...I tried it on alien movie again showing it was like before...stutter doing 5 pulldown. People that read this knows that it is nothing wrong with Your product and this is a rare case..


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You can still work on it and post questions here, but doom9 is the best support for madVR.

Have you read other madVR threads here?


  • Galactic Citizen
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Ok Thank You. I have tried to google madvr and jriver. But I cant say I remember what I found or that I found something that I could use. I think I gotten to know a lot of things that I never knew about and gotten to know JRiver better than ever before, which is very nice. I dont know of anything that matches JRiver on the combination of audio and video and more services. So I am not at all disatisfied as my problem is weird. I have done the antivirus procedure and I also use a ac cleaner which I paid 500 dollars back in 2012 when I bought it so it is quality product. But as my situation is weird and strange...anything is possible and I have tried to skip it also..


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Ok Thank You. I have tried to google madvr and jriver. But I cant say I remember what I found or that I found something that I could use. I think I gotten to know a lot of things that I never knew about and gotten to know JRiver better than ever before, which is very nice. I dont know of anything that matches JRiver on the combination of audio and video and more services. So I am not at all disatisfied as my problem is weird. I have done the antivirus procedure and I also use a ac cleaner which I paid 500 dollars back in 2012 when I bought it so it is quality product. But as my situation is weird and strange...anything is possible and I have tried to skip it also..
If the "ac cleaner" is in-line in your power source, try removing it.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Thank You for advice. Yes I have tested this and the black blinking persist in exlusive mode. And I also tested over period to see if my system was more stable. I didnt noticed anything got better. It is good and then suddenly there are poorer performance more stutter or micro stutter and visable artifacts. But when it is doing ok it is acceptable. But when it is doing ok it has also been better and better performance little by little when I look back and until now. a month or two back I got very vidable artifacts in two scenes in a Starwars attack of the clones. Now the artifact is not visable and the other scene is much much better and I dont have anything fancy activated so it is pleasent surprize. It also look like when one choose setting for quality instead of performance one get less artifacts too. So that is good. But the sudden poorer performance is very annoying. Looks to me I have to buy a new tv and new desktop sooner or later.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Could at least eve respond the last posts and then end it. I dont know why I have to do it all over again at doom9 as madvr is a part of MC. I have the same problem all along I thougth is was ok because the movie I tried it on did not reveal my problem..thus forth and back...I tried it on alien movie again showing it was like before...stutter doing 5 pulldown. People that read this knows that it is nothing wrong with Your product and this is a rare case..

Doom 9 is 100% the best place for MadVR support. The thread is a goldmine of information but incredibly useless to navigate.
Even well formatted google searches of the thread often don't yield the results you want all the time so you end up doing a bunch of reading. The problem with MadVR is it's stagnated.
Madashi works on Envy and sort of has let MadVR fall by the wayside.
JRVR, LibPlacebo or MPV are the successors to it and as they continue to develop, will eventually replace MadVR.
Cross platform + open source already gives them a significant advantage over MadVR, and if you roll your own scaling shader setup, you're getting close to the capabilities of MadVR.

I still primarily use MadVR for critical viewing but I'd *love* to be able to move away from it and Windows itself for playback. There is NO reason to run a full windows desktop OS (Windows IoT does a decent job though) for a theater playback type setup that can be fully automated, other than MadVR.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Looks to me I have to buy a new tv and new desktop sooner or later.

Don't know where you live but stateside the C1s have dropped absurdly cheap at various points this year, like under $700. Wouldn't be surprised if they try to clear remaining stock during Black Friday (usually a dumping ground for garbage that uninformed consumers buy but occasionally, something nice comes along).

It's a rad time to do an AM4 build, the 5000 ryzen series is on sale constantly, and the used market is pretty great. DDR4 is frankly megacheap now (I remember getting hit for maybe $800 just 5 years ago trying to populate my x299 nightmare build with 64gbs of RAM... half of what I needed) and SSDs keep falling. I'm like a month away from doing another AM4 (5950x most likely) and using my current workstation as another render node.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Do you buy mostly used things and have no bad experiences so processors and such too or just gpu? Lg c1 65" is 1500 dollar her in Norway. as for a amd build pc. I have a not that old pc with am4 i7 2700x 16 ram. I used the gpu in this pc and this too had the same problem, black blinking glitching..and so on.. Tried this before I bought the 3070 ti which I am delivering back.

This is the strangest thing I ever experienced. on both pc? So new pc is probably waist of money since it looks to be a high chance that I end up with the same situation.

Maybe it could be the TV being maybe the first versions. I dont know what to think anymore.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Do you buy mostly used things and have no bad experiences so processors and such too or just gpu? Lg c1 65" is 1500 dollar her in Norway. as for a amd build pc. I have a not that old pc with am4 i7 2700x 16 ram. I used the gpu in this pc and this too had the same problem, black blinking glitching..and so on.. Tried this before I bought the 3070 ti which I am delivering back.

This is the strangest thing I ever experienced. on both pc? So new pc is probably waist of money since it looks to be a high chance that I end up with the same situation.

Maybe it could be the TV being maybe the first versions. I dont know what to think anymore.

I'm 50/50 used vs new. It really depends. Enterprise grade stuff? Never new if you can avoid it. You can get incredible deals there and in general, the likelihood that the gear was treated decently is higher, plus the durability is typically better regardless.

HDDs and SSDs? New almost always. Cache SSDs are an exception since you can grab things like fusion IO drives with absurd TBW ratings for very little and anything in your cache shouldn't be considered 'permeant' or that you wouldn't mind losing anyways.

Consumer PC components? I'm split on. Sometimes I'll buy used, sometimes new. Just depends. If it's for my primary workstation, chances are I'm buying the mobo, processor, ram and PSU new. GPU, I could go either way since the savings can be significant.  If it's just a random project build to try something new out or because I'm bored? I'll probably go used, either buying parts or harvesting them from already built machines that owners are selling (easier to make sure things work and typically they're less informed so you can get the price you want)

AMD 2700x is a fine processor but quite outdated now. In *theory* if your motherboard isn't crap, it should be able to handle most if not all the current AM4 processors, it's a cheap drop in replacement depending on sales around you. The clock speed and core count isn't the only factor, over its lifetime Ryzen has had some pretty significant IPC improvements. 16GB of RAM is fine for gaming, or desktop use, or playback but it's not *great* for demanding multitasking (as in running a game, a browser, and then maybe a video playing through a high quality renderer like madvr or JRVR), 32GB is my recommended minimum in a computer you care about and use frequently. 64GB for production / content creation work. 128GB+ for servers or high end content creation.

I have no idea what the problem is with your systems but something is wrong since you've seemed to try everything. Guess it might be the display. I dunno man. I hope you've at least learned something about video playback / presentation!

- Evelyn 



  • Galactic Citizen
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Thank You for all the help, eve.



  • Galactic Citizen
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Yes I have learned a lot. Sadly mostly using madvr which is going to be obsolete soon. I have had best motion with madvr.

There is a scene in Alien which I test motion and that scene is when ship panning over the the upper screen filmed from underneath the ship as it flies over the screen with the white clouds behind it, just seconds before they land (the scene is only 3 seconds long from exactly 31 min and 38 sec to 41 sec.) . it is just a few seconds. and the ship is changing its image and get a bit streatched mostly at the end of the short scene as it pans out of the left of the screen. only madvr has  managed to view the ship in uniform image and not being stretched out as it flies over the screen.

Also I have found out that skipping hdr mode and just use pixel shader produces less artifacts. brightness is ok but not as bright as hdr but more than good enough.

I am of course going to follow JRVR to see if motion gets better on my system. It is probably perfect for other users. It could be my system that is the problem, but madvr fixes it and so could JRVR be doing when it get better and better and it is really good now. Hope it will be even tighter when it comes to motion in difficult scenes like described above.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Yes I have learned a lot. Sadly mostly using madvr which is going to be obselet soon. I have had best motion with madvr. There is a scene in Alien which I test motion and that scene is when ship paning over the the upper screen filmed from underneith the ship as it flyes over the screen with the white clouds behind it, just seconds before they land(the scene is only 3 seconds short from excactly 31 min and 38 sec to 41 sec.) . it is just a few seconds. and the ship is changing its image and get a bit streatched mostly at the end of the short scene as it pans out of the left of the screen. only madvr has I managed to view the ship in uniform image and not being streatched out as it flyes over the screen.

Also I have found out that skipping hdr mode and just use pixel shader produces less artifacts. brightness is ok but not as bright at hdr but more than good enough. I am off course going to follow JRVR to see if motion is getting better or get better on my system. It is probably perfect for other users. This could off course be my system that is the problem, but madvr fixes it and so could JRVR be doing when it get better and better and it is really good now. Hope it will be even tighter when it comes to motion in difficult scenes like described above

Yeah I'm stuck in a weird position with MadVR. It handles some things better than the successors right now but the lack of cross platform support is just.... Frustrating. Proper HDR video playback on mainstream linux distros is on it's way, so that's another barrier removed. I'd love to be able to ditch Windows for the theater, move over to AVB audio (Windows support for AVB isn't.... ideal) , and call it a day. Also MadVR probably *wont* support Dolby Vision and that's a pretty major problem. FEL is it's own issue but even the lesser DV profiles are becoming extremely commonplace on streaming services, in some cases being the highest 'profile' encode on a service, providing better quality / bitrate than the other streams available to client devices. In other words, you'd might have to accept a lower bitrate HDR 2160p stream if you wanted to use MadVR.

I use JRVR all day at my desk, it has almost 0 processing hit meaning I can game or work on content creation stuff without being overtly concerned about performance. I do HDR> SDR when I'm at my desk doing other stuff, since you pretty much never want to use Windows itself in HDR mode. It looks perfectly acceptable.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Also this 3 sec scene I have to set NP vsync on, then madvr is handeling this scene perfectly. So there is a small difference there.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Okay so you use passthroug hdr? passthrough hdr is what one use to watch hdr movies in sdr rigth? Yes watching hdr movie without activating hdr is very very good. I find some scenes using hdr to be to bright if I am going to be honest about the whole hdr thing. to much light in my eyes. I always watch movies in dark room.

I see You are using linux. so you are going to ditch windows in favor of linux? wont that be a problem for DV? You write linux is just going to get hdr? is it going to get DV also?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Okay so you use passthroug hdr? passthrough hdr is what one use to watch hdr movies in sdr rigth? Yes watching hdr movie without activating hdr is very very good. I find some scenes using hdr to be to bright if I am going to be honest about the whole hdr thing. to much light in my eyes. I always watch movies in dark room.

I see You are using linux. so you are going to ditch windows in favor of linux? wont that be a problem for DV? You write linux is just going to get hdr? is it going to get DV also?

No, passthrough HDR is HDR. What I'm saying is, when I'm just using my desk C1, I typically use JRVR and run everything SDR. For the theater, MadVR and I use HDR for HDR, SDR for SDR.

Yes. It'll most likely have DV eventually. I'm never ditching Windows for things like content creation or gaming (gaming on linux isn't horrible). Nobody is validating professional software for use with Wine and that's okay.
For a dedicated playback machine / endpoint though, assuming HDR and eventually DV support, Linux makes a bunch of sense. It's significantly more stable, and while Windows 10 IoT can be made to be pretty unobtrusive, it's just easier to do some of this 'lock down the OS to mostly be running a single playback app with total control' crap that's helpful on a dedicated machine you essentially never want to have to mess with beyond using a tablet or something to start playback of a film. Plus, working, less hacky AVB support.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Ok I just meant to say I play hdr movies without activating hdr on display. bright enough and less artifacts. I wonder how many just skip the hdr thing and just watch it non hdr way.

Ok I may switch or try out linux some day. maybe I would be able to use exclusive mode or just at least be able to do 5 pull down 120 hz on 23 fps movies.

Also I am also going to try out changing the ram, since I have the same ram in both my PCs, crucial ram. going to try kingston fury beast.



  • Galactic Citizen
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just tried jrvr and the 3 sec. spaceship scene. and it was flawless. I guess I am at Jims comment about the neighbours tablesaw. So I got a tiny uneven performance issue on my pc. fustrating. one thing is not to be able to do 5 pull down.
But this uneaven performance is more fustrating.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Ok I just meant to say I play hdr movies without activating hdr on display. bright enough and less artifacts. I wonder how many just skip the hdr thing and just watch it non hdr way.

Ok I may switch or try out linux some day. maybe I would be able to use exclusive mode or just at least be able to do 5 pull down 120 hz on 23 fps movies.

Also I am also going to try out changing the ram, since I have the same ram in both my PCs, crucial ram. going to try kingston fury beast.

OH! Yeah like, HDR on OLEDs is great and all but their SDR performance / accuracy is in my experience, a little better. Remember, we master HDR with the intention that the target display, is most likely around 1000 nits. OLEDs don't really hit that in the real world and that's honestly fine. Whereas SDR? OLEDs have that covered.
I'm not really torn either way, it frankly sometimes just comes down to how your source material is mastered, whether or not SDR or HDR will look better, though I'd probably still recommend just doing HDR for HDR content, but it's really up to you and what your eyes like!



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P.S learning linux can be extremely rewarding. It's a learning curve but it's nowhere near as daunting as it used to be. You can develop a really solid working knowledge of it quite quickly.
I still don't recommend switching over if you're tied to applications only available on windows or if you don't have an additional machine to 'learn' on. At some point, you will break your OS or something just wont work. It's easier if it's not your primary machine until you know your way around things and how to dig yourself out of a hole.


  • Galactic Citizen
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I would choose hdr it it weren't for the more visible artifacts. I dont know if it is the brightness that does it. It looks to me that it is the TV itself that creates it, using hdr mode somehow. Strange because it is really bright also not using hdr and should be visible.


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