Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote not working on iPad 9 with JRiver MC 22 in Windows 10


I'm primarily an Apple user. JRemote 3.36 is not working on my new iPad 9 when using it with JRiver Media Center 22 in Windows 10 on my Laufer Teknik Memory Player Mini music player. The Memory Player Mini is built into a PC (same profile as an Mac Mini = 2" x 6.5" x 6.5". I couldn't get it set up on the older iPad Air either that it WAS working well on prior. Periodically, I would have to reach out to the maker of the Mini and they used to help when the app would fail to connect every year or so, but, it being the original model, I guess they aren't supporting that model, too busy or just don't care.

I deleted server in the Remote app and have tried many times to set a new one up using "Connect With Access Key" made sure I had the correct info but the app won't set up. The key is correct, the User Name and Password are correct, I click add and connect and get Response Received, and attempt to connect to IP address. I get a search, it finds 3 addresses, but get Fails to connect "Could not connect (the internet connection appears to be off line" and "Could not connect (Could not connect to the server.)

I went to JRiver MC 22 / Tools / Options / Media Network / and I clicked "Test the Access Key" = it told me the Firewall wasn't allowing contact with JRemote so I disabled it... but I STILL cann't get Remote to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are the iPad and computer on the same LAN?

As far as I know, yet. But, now I'm making some changes to what music servers I have... I'll get back to this topic shortly. Thanks!


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