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Ventura: music stops when monitor goes sleeping

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since I installed VENTURA music stops when monitor goes sleeping.
I already set settings to continue HD activity while turning off the monitor.

Any idea how to solve this problem?



--- Quote from: TJoerg on November 25, 2022, 06:58:09 am ---Hi,

since I installed VENTURA music stops when monitor goes sleeping.
I already set settings to continue HD activity while turning off the monitor.

Any idea how to solve this problem?


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What device are you playing to?

I’m playing via HDMI to my pioneer receiver


--- Quote from: TJoerg on January 20, 2023, 03:11:18 pm ---I’m playing via HDMI to my pioneer receiver

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Under MC's audio settings there is an option to disable the display from turning off when playing hdmi. You probably need that on.

S. Pupp:
You might need a “Dr HDMI” device between your computer and receiver. 

You connect the device’s input to your computer, and its output to the receiver.  If needed, you provide a power source (via USB cable).  Set it up by pressing the big button in the middle while everything is up and running, in order to store the EDID info from your receiver/monitor, and then select setting 8 (which is where the info is stored).  Afterwards, when you turn off your monitor, your computer will “think” it is still on. 

I use one because my HTPC is always on, and the picture was off center or otherwise distorted every time I turned on my TV.

My instructions apply to the original 1080p device.  I do not have any experience with the 4k or 8k versions.


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