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Author Topic: Asus Tinker Board, JRiver & audio quality  (Read 1086 times)

Manjesh Pai

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Asus Tinker Board, JRiver & audio quality
« on: December 01, 2022, 04:37:29 pm »


I want to share my experience with JRiver MC30 on Asus Tinker Board R2.0 running Debian 10 and attached to a Waveshare 4.3in LCD display . Before this setup, I had tried JRiver on Windows 11 on MS Surface 3, Ubuntu on Asus laptop and Raspberry Pi running Dietpi. The audio hardware remained constant: SMSL SU-8s DAC, SMSL DA-9 power amp, SMSL SH-8s headphone amp and Polk T10 speakers. None of these configurations had the audio quality that I could hear on Asus Tinker Board. Though this is highly debatable and subjective, I must say I was surprised by the audio quality.  The transformation was so much so that I kept listening and forgot all the glitches, crashes and other nagging problems. I kept most of the settings default except following:
1. Enabled DSD bitstreaming since I have many DSD albums
2. Enabled audio only mode.
3. Enabled DLNA server (Tidal straming works perfectly well with BubbleUnP.

For performance improvements:
1. Disabled buffering to disk setting
2. Disabled Lyrics lookup
3. Disabled HDCD and waveform analysis.
4. Disabled streaming - it was either too slow to load or due to the Chromium browser, refused to load (Spotify and Amazon Music)
5. Disabled Theatre view - it was causing JRiver to freeze.


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Re: Asus Tinker Board, JRiver & audio quality
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2022, 08:19:00 pm »

That's very interesting.
One thing to know about disabling buffering to disc is that it is much easier on the system, particularly if you are running on a SDCard (where it's almost required) however the tradeoff is that some formats will no longer be seekable.

When you say you "disabled streaming" what are you referring to?

Manjesh Pai

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Re: Asus Tinker Board, JRiver & audio quality
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2022, 01:58:14 am »

Apologies for the late response, have been busy at workplace. By disabling streaming, I meant hiding the 'streaming' folder in tree view. This may not have any direct impact on performance but it is only to prevent crashes when any links are clicked inadvertently (on the 4inch screen, there was high chance when scrolling the pane)

Manjesh Pai

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Re: Asus Tinker Board, JRiver & audio quality
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2022, 05:14:26 am »

Also to add, Tidal MQA works perfectly when streamed from mconnect app (Android). I have not tried with BubbleUPNP yet.
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