Thanks so much, Marko, but that's not exactly what I meant.
The result I want is songs which have ALL the words in it. So the 'or'-'or' option doesn't work.
I thought your second suggestion would be the 'and'-'and' option, but that doesn't do it either.
For instance. I know the lyrics of Alphabet St. by Prince have the words "Tennessee" and "cruel" and "down" in them.
- [Lyrics]="Tennessee" comes up with 17 hits (one of them being Alphabet St.)
- [Lyrics]="cruel" comes up with 100 hits (one of them being Alphabet St.)
- [Lyrics]="down" comes up with 3925 hits (one of them being Alphabet St.)
- [Lyrics]="Tennessee","cruel" comes up with 116 hits
- [Lyrics]="Tennessee","cruel","down" comes up with 4000 hits
whereas in the latter one I should expect just Prince's song (or maybe one more by coincidence). And that's what I want to achieve.
Hope you can help me on this one.