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Author Topic: HOW TO: Create System/View for Shows Currently Being Watched  (Read 877 times)


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HOW TO: Create System/View for Shows Currently Being Watched
« on: January 07, 2023, 04:51:05 am »

Tutorial to help you create Current Shows system. It is set to show series that you have been watching during last 30 days and show only episodes after the last watched episode. The difference between previous solutions is that this one also handles re-watches as marker is set whenever you watch any episode.

1. Create new Series relational library field EpisodeLastWatched (see attached image)

2. To set progress marker(season_episode and timestamp) for series add following to your After playback expression (tools => options => expressions) :
Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],TV Show),SetField(EpisodeLastWatched,[Season]_PadNumber(ListItem([Episode],-1,-),2);Now()),)

Now when you finish watching an episode (e.g. Wire S01E04) your EpisodeLastWatched value for all the episodes should now be something like: "01_04;44933,7142939861878403"

3. Create new View for series or adjust your old one (Example Standard View attached)

To filter series/episodes in the view use this to show only series which has been watched during last 30 days (you can adjust range to whatever you like)
Code: [Select]
[=Compare(FormatNumber(ListItem([EpisodeLastWatched],1)),>,Math(FormatNumber(Now()) - 30))]=1...and show only episodes after the marker (everything after 104 for the example)
Code: [Select]

NOTE: set to work only with seasons/episode under 100 (padding needs to be increased if show have more than 99 episodes per season)
NOTE2: handles double episodes e.g. 1-2 (or 01-02-03) notation
NOTE3: for client/server setup also client needs that "after play expression" addition as unfortunately in MC that is not in server's responsibility but all the clients need to set it on their own and remotes can't set it at all  :(


Glynor's take on Current Show View:,107140.0.html

EDIT: Attached basic example series view template (Current Series.jvi )


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Re: HOW TO: Create System/View for Show Currently Being Watched
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2023, 04:51:26 am »

In action in Theaterview


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Re: HOW TO: Create System/View for Shows Currently Being Watched
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2023, 03:59:42 am »

I would like to point out a small error.

Initially, despite having created the new field and entered the expression as you indicated, the new field did not populate. Then I found out that it was supposed to be named EpisodeLastWatched  and not LastWatchedEpisode.

Now the field populates correctly, but in Theater View, I can't see the series like in your examples: is there maybe some other step than the ones you described?

I created a new Library Item with the rules you indicated, but the final result is not the same :'(


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Re: HOW TO: Create System/View for Shows Currently Being Watched
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2023, 04:55:40 am »

Initially, despite having created the new field and entered the expression as you indicated, the new field did not populate. Then I found out that it was supposed to be named EpisodeLastWatched  and not LastWatchedEpisode.
Thanks, fixed

Now the field populates correctly, but in Theater View, I can't see the series like in your examples: is there maybe some other step than the ones you described?
Please elaborate. Do you mean that functionality is not there or yours is visually different.

Functionality should be there if the Theaterview View is created properly. Note that attached basic example jvi is for standard view although it can be imported to theaterview. So if this is the case please elaborate the issue a little more.

Visuality is not included here so e.g. that progress bar graphics is something separate and it requires MCUtils to collect series total episode and episodes per season. (I use MCUtils (and ZRatings) for all my movie/show scraping instead of MC.) Data could be counted internally with variables but at least currently I don't feel like implementing it.

Otherwise visual look is kind of easily shareable.


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Re: HOW TO: Create System/View for Shows Currently Being Watched
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2023, 05:16:03 am »

Functionality should be there if the Theaterview View is created properly.


I created a new Library Items by copying Series>Shows (that I skipped before) and then I modified it with the new rules, and now everything works. ;D

The graphic part is clearly different, but I'm satisfied with it.

Thanks, that's a very cool feature


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Re: HOW TO: Create System/View for Shows Currently Being Watched
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2023, 05:26:37 am »

Great!  8) Glad it sorted out and you found it useful. I think it is kind of neat too as it works automatically for re-watches too to keep track of my progress.

If only MCWS support for "after play expression" could be added to MC so the Remotes could also mark progress and also update advanced play history etc etc etc
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