I have a cacluclated field [Composer Name Swap] with this expression someone created for me to swap composer names when there's a third term (i.e., "Ludwig van Beethoven" becomes "Beethoven, Ludwig van") or something like Johann Strauss II, which becomes "Strauss, Johann II:"
if(!regex([Composer], /#^([^,]+)\s+([^,]*?)$#/),
regex(listclean([Composer], 2, / ),
/#^(?:(I+|[JS]r\.?)\s+)?([^ ]+)(.*)$#/, -1)[R2]/,/ listclean([R3], 2, / )[R1]
I also have a few composers with multiple names, e.g., "Al Piantadosi;Alfred Bryani;William Steffe" which show up like this:
"Steffe, Al Piantadosi, Alfred Bryani, William"
and some with just two names, such as "Paul Wright III;Lisa Shipman," which shows as "Shipman, Paul Wright III, Lisa"
Is it possible to modify the expression above to make these semicolon-delimited composers show as
"Piantadosi, Al, Alfred Bryan, William Steffe"
"Wright, Paul III, Lisa Shipman?"
Thanks for any all help!