Networks and Remotes > Remotes

Old Niggle: Clarify the MC Media Network Ports list


It's great that MC Tree > Services & Plug-ins > Media Network lists the five ports used by MC servers within a LAN.

Old Niggle:  Please label which port is UDP and which are TCP/IP.  This will help non-experts set their firewalls.

Example (attached below):  For McAfee Total Protection, the five Firewall ports listed by Media Network are opened to two MC services.  While I don't know if this is the minimum required set (can someone else answer that?), it does allow all my Android player apps to control MC.  Note:  I do not open these ports to the internet.

Yes Jim, I know it's not Microsoft Defender, but it works!

3/10/2023 Warning:  see Reply#2 below!

Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)  JRiver MC 30.0.76

Media Center uses TCP, not UDP

The port setting (non-SSL) explicitly states "TCP Port"

SSL would be TCP as well.



--- Quote from: TheShoe on March 09, 2023, 02:26:59 pm ---The port setting (non-SSL) explicitly states "TCP Port"

SSL would be TCP as well.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for pointing that out (Options > Media Network > Advanced).  I believe this port would have to be set for Port Forwarding in the router firewall as well, in order to access the MC server from outside the LAN.

--- Quote from: markf2748 on March 07, 2023, 11:45:37 pm ---Example (attached below):  For McAfee Total Protection, the five Firewall ports listed by Media Network are opened to two MC services.  While I don't know if this is the minimum required set (can someone else answer that?)...
--- End quote ---
Answering my own question:  For MC Remotes and clients within the LAN, the minimum required set of requested firewall open ports = THE EMPTY SET (except maybe UDP 1900, which is a UPNP port commonly used by other processes anyway).
That is, the McAfee settings shown in the OP are NOT required in my environment.  I unchecked those McAfee firewall boxes, rebooted, confirmed they remain unchecked, and my MC remote apps and clients all continue to work just fine as of today!  :)

Nevertheless, those five ports are in fact available to MC, as shown in MC's Media Network display window.  As an independent confirmation, I run netstat commands such as the following in an elevated Windows Command Window on the MC server:

--- Code: ---netstat -ano | find "1900"
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---netstat -qbn -p TCP
--- End code ---

Their output confirms (after decoding numerical PIDs with Task Manager if necessary): 1900 is UDP used by MC, and the other four ports are TCP used by MC.  But as an end user, I don't have to setup my firewall to make it all work locally.

So far, a long-winded breath of fresh air for me :)


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