Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

Beta MC on IdPi

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Option 32
pw youaskedforit

I updated mine this week, without problems.

Please report what you find.  Thanks.

Fred H:
Updated it about 4 hours ago. Used it off and on, no problems using it or with the upgrade.

Jim, just updated from last stable version on Id. Observations -

Beta Install / Reboot
After performing the install via "Option 32" via VNC and I noted the update stated it's final status message of "Rebooting..." message but the Id never rebooted(waited 15mins), VNC connection lost obviously as well. Connected a monitor to Id(Pi4) and noted the upgrade completed and all seemed OK but screen showed that it was sitting there in a Shutdown state. I did a manual power down and reboot of the Pi4/Id and everything came back fine. Unsure if that's an issue on my end or not, but thought I would let you know. Maybe not advisable to perform the update via VNC and should be done with a connected monitor/keyboard?  ;D

I typically don't punch into the Streaming section much but since this was a Beta I thought I'd poke around in MC more then I usually do on my IdPi, so maybe the items below are "known" already, apologize for any issue redundancy.

If I click on "Streaming" in the left pane to reveal all the streaming "tiles" in the right pane, I see the Radio JRiver Tile in the right pane but it does not appear under the Streaming tree view in the left pane if I expand "Streaming", maybe I'm missing it somehow? 

If I click on "Streaming" in the left pane and then choose the Radio Paradise tile in the right pane and then proceed to choose any of the Radio Paradise channel tiles in the right pane it attempts to play that channel selection (i.e. "Rock") in the Playing Now right pane but nothing happens. In contrast if I click and expand the "Streaming" tree in the left pane and then pick "Radio Paradise" from the left hand tree view I get a very different result in the right pane, which appears to be the correct Radio Paradise web version with options to then select their channels as expected and everything plays properly.

That's all I noticed as of now, as I use it more I will let you know. My IdPi set up is configured to connect back to my main media server library running on a Windows box (MC ver. 28). They are geographically in different locations / networks. No issues with locating and reconnecting to my main library after the update in that regard so far. I'll report back if I see anything else. 

Thanks for continuing to develop the Id!


Apologies if this is clearly noted elsewhere, what is the minimum RPi hardware requirement to run this version/build?

Will any of the RPi 3 variants support it?

Fred H:
To compare my experience with spacevader's for another data point:

I installed the new version using RDC and a wired connection; it went without incident.

When I click on the Radio Paradise tile and then on another tile I get "opening..." and then it starts playing.


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