Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote2 for Android not responding for too many albums

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Hi Forum

I am using JRiver MediaCenter 30.0.59 and JRemote2 2.3.1 on Android. JRemote2 I use at home on the sofa as a remote control for MC 30 on desktop. Unfortunately, JRemote2 started to become very unresponsive, meaning for too many albums the tracks are no longer displayed on my smartphone. In the upper left part of the app the album cover is shown and next to the album artist, but below there is only a blue circle running for ages.

Note that this odd behavior equally applied to MC 29.

Any advise pls?

Many thanks,

Reinstalling JRemote2 did not resolve the issue.

Ok, when leveraging the Album view some Album X cannot be played at all (as JRemote2 keeps searching forever), but for a subset of Albums that share this behavior individual tracks can be played via the composer view. This is pretty odd.

In my view, JRemote2 is a highly unstable!

Are the files tagged correctly?  (Album not blank?)

Hi JimH

Yes, all my files are correctly tagged. No idea how to resolve this issue. It is pretty annoying.



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