Networks and Remotes > Remotes

No library view

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Help please....A new user to JRemote from Gizmo.
I have no view of my library. Upon opening the app, all I can see is a blank screen?? With a header "jRemote2' and totally blank screen below??

Did you connect to a server?  You can use the Access Key:

Yes, connected to server. Server is listed in the app with details of Access Key. IP address etc.  I can play music thru the play buttons in theatre mode but TOTALLY BLIND with no view of music/library in the app 🤔

Remote Display Settings:
MC Server > Options > Media Network > Add or configure DLNA Servers... > Generic DLNA > Customize Views... > Details for Audio > Add... (select views)

Have you added any of your audio views here?  They should be listed in the option popup's left panel "Items to Show" under the Audio section.

Hi and thank you for your suggestions.
All of the above are already correctly detailed as you have described. Note: under 'Advanced' within 'Media Network' options only "Customise Views for Gizmo and WebGizmo are shown and NOT JRemote. not sure if this is an issue.

As per my initial post and attached screenshots. The only view showing in the app is Theatre View. Upon swiping left the JRiver logo is displayed on a black backgound. the play, Stop, next track buttons at the bottom activate their functions but totally blind!!

Gizmo, my previous used app is fully functional showing ALL library views. JRemote app is performing the same on multiple devices????


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