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--- Quote from: Ruggmeister on March 27, 2023, 05:22:42 am ---PS. My current JRiver version is MC19

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Could you try MC30?  The trial is free.  Just download and install it.  Leave MC19 in place.


--- Quote from: JimH on March 27, 2023, 08:06:20 am ---The Play Store does that.  It won't show you a product unless it runs on your version of Android.

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I do not mean Android version, I'm talking about MC version. The description in the store and the info on the Wiki/JRiver site do not mention any minimum MC version required.


--- Quote from: zybex on March 27, 2023, 08:15:07 am ---I do not mean Android version, I'm talking about MC version. The description in the store and the info on the Wiki/JRiver site do not mention any minimum MC version required.

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I'm not aware of any minimum version of MC, but MC19 is pretty old now.

From the changelog I can see that JRemote2 depends on the JSON API which was introduced in v26. It's obvious there's some minimum version requirement, be it v10/15/19/20/25/whatever. A buyer won't know that (as shown by this thread), and it's nice to have that info published, if nothing else to CYA in case the buyer feels cheated.

JRemote2 should still support XML/MPL based playlists from before JSON was introduced. However, MC19 is extremely old, and was never tested in combination with JRemote2, so I can't really tell you what might be conflicting with it.
Its definitely designed for MC26/27+.


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