More > JRiver Media Center 31 for Windows

Installing MC 31 -- Instructions and Questions

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MC31 is now available.  Please see Where is MC31? on this board.

Please read these instructions,135680.0.html

Download files will be found first on the MC31 boards here.  They will soon be available on the Download Page.

You can retrieve your license here:

On Windows, your existing data will be found and used by the new version.  On Mac and Linux, you just need to restore a backup:

Keep your prior version installed until you're happy with the new version.  Then uninstall the old one. 

Please post any questions here.

MC31 Links

After removing MC 30 the folder "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 30 is not removed. Is that expected behaviour?
Can I manually delete the folder (The Cover Art Folder in the associated MC31 folder has the same size as the above MC 30 folder.)

I'm interested in this too, except I have folders going all the way back to MC23

Try just renaming the folder.


--- Quote from: Manfred on May 08, 2023, 01:14:09 am ---After removing MC 30 the folder "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 30 is not removed. Is that expected behaviour?
Can I manually delete the folder (The Cover Art Folder in the associated MC31 folder has the same size as the above MC 30 folder.)

--- End quote ---
On my systems, I always delete this folder once the uninstall routine has completed. For some reason, it is always left behind. Anyhow, nothing bad ever happened to the new install when the older versions' folders get deleted.


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