Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.37 beta

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--- Quote from: vallemanden on May 07, 2023, 08:04:52 am ---How to become betatester?

--- End quote ---
Check your email.

I am a frequent and enthusiastic user of JRemote on iPad and iPhone. I am curious to see the release notes. Still hoping for one specific issue to be solved "Quick jump on lists when article sorting is enabled". Waiting in anticipation. :)


--- Quote from: Lodewijk_Ramon on May 12, 2023, 09:25:06 am ---Hi,
I am a frequent and enthusiastic user of JRemote on iPad and iPhone. I am curious to see the release notes. Still hoping for one specific issue to be solved "Quick jump on lists when article sorting is enabled". Waiting in anticipation. :)

--- End quote ---
I believe that was sorted out.
The extra switch in JRemote for article sorting has been removed.
It now only depends on whether that's set on the server or not.


--- Quote from: bob on May 12, 2023, 09:53:55 am ---I believe that was sorted out.
The extra switch in JRemote for article sorting has been removed.
It now only depends on whether that's set on the server or not.

--- End quote ---
:) :)  :)

I'm going to make 3.37 release today.
There is CarPlay support in it as well.


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