Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.37 beta

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--- Quote from: bob on May 22, 2023, 10:24:52 am ---I'm going to make 3.37 release today.
There is CarPlay support in it as well.

--- End quote ---

Good to see early version of Carplay support.

I have a pretty large music library and it only loads up to a point; loading is also quite slow, but perhaps just a lot of data even though a 5G signal.  I could not browse the entire library, maybe 1/4 of it.  For what I could browse, I was able to play back.  Also not all album images loaded; seemed fairly random - could not discern a pattern.

Is there any way to cache the data and only load deltas from last request?  Assume Media Center would need to expose an API that handled that...  I can see the browsing time to be a problem for a lot of folks with large libraries...

Could you make the library available to cncb?


--- Quote from: JimH on May 31, 2023, 12:58:41 pm ---Could you make the library available to cncb?

--- End quote ---

Send you a PM.  Happy to help!



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