More > JRiver Media Center 31 for Windows

Copying a zone doesn't copy JRVR profiles but some settings do stay synced


Create a zone, tweak JRVR config inc creating some profiles
Create another zone using the 1st one as the basis
new zone does not have the JRVR profiles from the 1st but does have all the other settings copied over

now edit some of those settings (e.g. scaling, processing, geometry correction) and apply

switch back to the 1st zone, the changed settings have been applied here too

I'm not sure if the latter behaviour is by design or not, possibly it is and the intent is to use profiles only to vary configuration

this behaviour is certainly inconsistent, to my mind it should either be completely zone independent (use profiles only, all changes inc profiles get reflected to every zone) or it should be completely zone dependent (so zones can have their own profiles)

I think I've vote the former though (completely zone independent, use jrvr profiles only)

None of the JRVR settings are zone specific. Its not stored per zone and doesn't even look at the zone when handling them.

I just copied a zone and the settings are the same and the profiles are present. The profiles are just a "setting" with the profiles serialized into it, afterall.

no clue what I was doing last night when I came to this conclusion but can definitely file under user error

quite surprising from a UI point of view though given it's not how anything else (that I know of) behaves in these settings

We have a variety of settings that are not zone specific, not sure what you mean?
It's also the behavior you outlined as desirable above, isn't it?

It is the desired behaviour yes

I think it's noticeable because some video settings are zone specific but some aren't but I might just be rationalising whatever mistake I was making yesterday...


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