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JRVR ICC profile issue


Automatic display mode switching is not working with JRVR

Output is too dark crushing blacks like sending full range to limited. Had to disable ICC profile to fix it but then rendering ms went from 30 to 40 causing stuttering and dropped frames. EDIT: actually ms is OK after disabling ICC I just had to restart JRiver. Though I didn't have to disable that option in JRiver 30.

What are you referring to with displaymode switching? Turning on HDR for you? Frame rate switching?

Are you using any other tools to apply the ICC profile to the full desktop or anything like that?
Also, did you measure the profile yourself, or is that a vendor provided one?

Processing of the ICC profile has become more complete, including getting the black point from the profile, which might cause more issues with not-ideal profiles.

The frame rate switching isn't working.

I've had to disable system wide ICC profile (if available) option because I was getting crushed blacks. Like it was receiving the wrong video levels. It was just using the basic inbuilt Windows one so I have no problem disabling it, just odd as I'm used to seeing it when bringing up the OSD (CTRL + J) and that it didn't happen under MC 30 so makes me think somethings awry.

Frame rate switching is working now after uninstalling and reinstalling. I honestly don't know how this happened as I did a clean fresh install to begin with. Bizarre.

I still have to disable The ICC option otherwise crushed blacks, wrong video levels. Still fine with MC30 so one of the changes doesn't like the bog standard Windows profile or something. Odd.

I assume your screen is not in HDR mode or anything like that?

Could you possibly find the ICC profile your screen is using and post it here?


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