Networks and Remotes > Remotes

Remotely Minimize to Tray


Does anyone know of any way to minimize JRiver to tray using JRemote (or any other remote control app for that matter)?  I love theatre mode, but I have several other programs running on my PC and would like to be able to temporarily move JRiver out of the way. If not, is there a way to have JRiver automatically minimize when the music stops?  For me , that would be a killer feature.  Running version 30 on windows 10.  Thanks in advance!

You can switch views with Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc.

After playing around with JRemote a bit, I discovered to my surprise, that it will, indeed, do what I want it to do.   Clicking on "Theater" under the "remote" menu allows you to toggle back and forth between "Theatre" and minimized. This will work out fine for me.  I still believe that a "minimize on audio stop" feature would be very nice.  I usually play all my music from an installation of JRiver on my main household server to my JRiver installations elsewhere in the house (the wonder that is DLNA).  A "minimize on audio stop" feature would avoid the bother of having to disconnect from the main server in JRemote  in order to reconnect to the secondary server to minimize the program.  Obviously not a big deal, but might make a nice add on.  Still loving MC and JRemote after all these years.


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