Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.40 beta

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I'm not sure what we can do.  The phone should make the transition.


--- Quote from: This2ShallPass on June 14, 2023, 10:42:36 am ---@marko, I have this problem ALL.THE.TIME. I use JRemote on my bike rides. Here's the scenario:

Gear up at home, earbuds in, JRemote launched on the iPhone, off I go on a journey! One song plays, then stops. I have to pull over, restart JRemote (and find the artist or playlist all over again), and then start my journey again.

How do I fix this? Before I launch JRemote while gearing up, I have to TURN OFF WIFI, so that my phone disconnects from the home wifi, and THEN launch JRemote. This works perfectly 100% of the time.

My diagnosis of the problem is that JRemote cannot keep a persistent connection, and manage the change from wifi to cellular service. I wish someone could fix it.

--- End quote ---
I don't have to do any of this. By the time I get to the car, the phone has switched from wifi to cell (4G/5G depending on what it gets), start the car, bluetooth connects and playback begins. Tracks play continuously, until many tracks in, it doesn't move to the next track. All I need to do here is press the "Next Track" button on the dashboard, and we're away again, until sometime later, it hangs at the end of a track again.

Tonight's job is to power cycle all the network boxes, routers, pc, and modems. See if things improve for me then.

I think you may be seeing what happens when the connection is unavailable for a minute.  Similar to calls breaking up, then coming back.

I've used a setting that starts audio playing when Android Auto starts.  Maybe Carplay has a similar setting.

I certainly don't have that issue either. Do you have the Access Key and Global address set?

Ready for general release yet?


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