Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.40 beta

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I use JRemote exclusively in the car over the phone's data connection...

Recently, MC31... started with JRemote 3.36, more and more often, JRemote is not moving on to playing the next track. It gets to the end of the current track, and just stops... I have to press the "next" button ">" on the car dash, then playback continues for many tracks, untill it stops again, and I have to press the next button again...

Anyone else experiencing this? It's definately getting worse.
I've checked for filetypes on the track it stops at coupled with the next track, but there's no pattern. Sometimes it's FLAC to FLAC, sometime FLAC to mp3, and so on. It's irritating.

Any ideas?

Flaky connection?

I "diverted" audio between three zones and all worked as expected.

Yep same, Diversion working well. Thanks Bob.

@marko, I have this problem ALL.THE.TIME. I use JRemote on my bike rides. Here's the scenario:

Gear up at home, earbuds in, JRemote launched on the iPhone, off I go on a journey! One song plays, then stops. I have to pull over, restart JRemote (and find the artist or playlist all over again), and then start my journey again.

How do I fix this? Before I launch JRemote while gearing up, I have to TURN OFF WIFI, so that my phone disconnects from the home wifi, and THEN launch JRemote. This works perfectly 100% of the time.

My diagnosis of the problem is that JRemote cannot keep a persistent connection, and manage the change from wifi to cellular service. I wish someone could fix it.


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