Networks and Remotes > Remotes

Is this correct?

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Hello All,

I use a URC-MX980 to control my main system. If I understand correctly, I can buy a USB FLIRC for my laptop and with some programming (not sure of that yet) be able to control JRiver using my MX-980? I am just curious if anyone may have a similar working setup, before I spend the money?

Thanks for your guidance.


I own several FLIRCs.  You can map a remote control button to a keyboard sequence.  So, if you can control MC with a keyboard, and do everything you want, then you can program a FLIRC to have a remote control do the same thing.

I tried this with MC some time ago and was somewhat successful.  The difficulty for me was in using the operating system to launch MC, set the screen to display on, and that kind of thing.  For that I really needed a mouse and keyboard. 

You should try running MC with just a keyboard.  If you can do that to your satisfaction, then you can do the same thing with a FLIRC and a remote control.

BTW, I also use a URC remote:  The MX-450 .  But not with MC.


Thanks for your input, Brian.

Do you have the programming software for the MX-980? It is not generally available to most end users.

Yes. I have been programming my own URC remotes for years. URC gave me access to their dealer portal right before the update that locked most end users out of the program. I was a bit shocked. Everything is working great.

However, it seems that navigation only works in Theater View. If I switch to Standard View, none of the navigation controls work. It is not a big deal because I really only use Theater View in this application, but it is odd. Any ideas?


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