Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.40

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New in this build (from 3.37):

Diversion added
Sleep timer added
Sleep timer extended to work in remote zones without JRemote being active after setting the timer.

Fixes in this build (from 3.37):

Fixed Launch screen logo
Fixed tabs in Add to Playing now dialog (iOS13 and newer)
Fixed hard to read dialog labels (iOS13 and newer)

"Fixed tabs in Add to Playing now dialog"

Thank you! 

Edit:  Just checked through remote access and it works as it always has (with the exception of previous build).  Awesome!

Wake-On-LAN functionality still does not work. Broken since version 3.37.

Just got a new car and tried out CarPlay with 3.37 and it work decently. Then upgraded to 3.40 just now and now JRemote on my iPhone 13 (latest iOS) crashes a second or two after loading JRemote in CarPlay. CarPlay says 'Loading..." then the iPhone app a second or 2 later crashes and won't reopen until I pick another app or screen in CarPlay. Then reloading the JRemote app on the iPhone works and connects to my server, then loading JRemote on CarPlay crashes the iPhone app again.

Happy to Beta test in the future to figure out the issue.


--- Quote from: datdude on August 11, 2023, 11:32:22 am ---Just got a new car and tried out CarPlay with 3.37 and it work decently. Then upgraded to 3.40 just now and now JRemote on my iPhone 13 (latest iOS) crashes a second or two after loading JRemote in CarPlay. CarPlay says 'Loading..." then the iPhone app a second or 2 later crashes and won't reopen until I pick another app or screen in CarPlay. Then reloading the JRemote app on the iPhone works and connects to my server, then loading JRemote on CarPlay crashes the iPhone app again.

Happy to Beta test in the future to figure out the issue.

--- End quote ---
I'd like to get some more reports on this. Between 3.37 and 3.40 nothing in the CarPlay area should have changed.


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