Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.40

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--- Quote from: mattlovell on August 26, 2023, 02:16:29 pm ---I've noticed the same behavior for a while as well.  I'm currently on MC 31.0.46 and JRemote 3.41 (437).

--- End quote ---
Not for me.
What zone are you playing to?


--- Quote ---What zone are you playing to?
--- End quote ---

Just to a (hard-wired) DLNA renderer running a recent Kodi.  Until the post from nickba, I thought that perhaps this was just a hiccup regarding movement within the existing playlist (where the playlist was created just by selecting the whole album for playback), picking a track that was already scheduled to be played.


--- Quote from: mattlovell on August 28, 2023, 10:03:46 am ---Just to a (hard-wired) DLNA renderer running a recent Kodi.  Until the post from nickba, I thought that perhaps this was just a hiccup regarding movement within the existing playlist (where the playlist was created just by selecting the whole album for playback), picking a track that was already scheduled to be played.

--- End quote ---
Try disabling setnext support for that zone on the server.


--- Quote ---Try disabling setnext support for that zone on the server.
--- End quote ---

I can get the problem (not that it's really much of a problem) to occur without or without SetNext enabled and with or without Ignore Transport Events enabled.

Getting the issue to reproduce doesn't occur immediately.  My attempts at triggering it this evening were most successful starting album playback at Track 1, then jumping ahead (say to Track 7) and then trying to start playback of an earlier track (say, Track 3).   Basically, jumping back and forth several times seems to be required and, once triggered, multiple attempts at getting an earlier track to start then end up ignored.  The notification message at the bottom of JRemote says that "All tracks will now play, starting with [selection]", but the in-progress track just stays playing. 

The issue is also transient.  Given enough time (far larger than the interval involved with SetNext, I think), the skip does eventually work.

Hopefully nickba will chime in with observations as well.  That post also noted the same "skip backwards" hiccup, perhaps more specifically about a Track that already been a selection target?

--- Quote ---If I tap a song that I already tapped(within the same album) it will show it like it will play it now, but it does not play and keeps playing the previous song!
--- End quote ---

BTW, I don't know if the MC architecture would support it or not, but the ability to change DLNA renderer options for a Zone within JRemote would be a nice addition!



It is great so see someone describing the exact same problem, as it is very annoying!
For me it happens on every zone(M-Audio Delta sound card) or even using another PC running JRiver as renderer. You described exactly how to trigger the bug!

bob, please try the steps mattlovell described to check if you can reproduce it.


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