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Author Topic: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control  (Read 2655 times)


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I've been working with Murray on the manual profiles, and he seems to have it up and going for various sharpening levels as an example. :)

Got another Q, however....

What would be the best approach for toggling on /off the JRVR Stretch mode pending if the Anamorphic Lens is engaged or not.  This is not on a per file basis, but more of equipment change that MC will not know about.  Given JRVR Profiles are either Meta Data driven or (now) per file override, one idea I had is to use MCWS to update a Field for all items in the library (say called Anamorphic Lens Engaged).  Seems convoluted, but any other ideas?

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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2023, 05:58:34 am »

What would be the best approach for toggling on /off the JRVR Stretch mode pending if the Anamorphic Lens is engaged or not.  This is not on a per file basis, but more of equipment change that MC will not know about.  Given JRVR Profiles are either Meta Data driven or (now) per file override, one idea I had is to use MCWS to update a Field for all items in the library (say called Anamorphic Lens Engaged).  Seems convoluted, but any other ideas?
you mean you want to choose between showing it with black bars and showing it without? is it to be metadata (black bar detection) driven or manually selected?


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2023, 03:53:51 pm »

I'm interpreting how Murray's system works.  He seems to manually engage / disengage the Anamorphic Lens.  He also has JRVR settings he likes for when it is engaged / disengaged. 

He currently uses the RC to manually switch the JVC between modes, engage / disengage the Lens / move the masking... and I'm trying to think of ways to do this with JRVR profiles prior to the start of the video being played.
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2023, 03:59:49 pm »

Another way may be to use regedit to make the changes to the default JRVR profile.
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2023, 05:44:19 pm »

I have never comprehended the reason to do that but I think if you want completely manual control then you are responsible for pressing the buttons at the right time.

In this case, I would probably do it as one or both of a button that resets the playback starts when you press stop (a stop and reset button) or a button that can also set the desired mode when playback starts (so starting playback means pressing 2 buttons.. I would think this is simple to implement given a sufficiently programmable remote control that is also in control of choosing what to play (or is at least aware of which library item you want to play so if can manipulate that field).

I think making that tag based with a profile rule will be simpler to implement otherwise you are into hacking playback info fields (which is not nice to do).

If the remote doesn't have that capability and you want totally manual control then probably get a different remote :)


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2023, 07:16:44 pm »

Yup, it is completely manual. 

From what I understand, he has a playlist with intro's, fade out, then the main title.  At the "correct" time, he manually hits a button on the remote that slides the lens, does the masking, and switches the JVC to anamorphic mode while transitioning from clips in the playlist.  Ideally, he wants to replace that last bit with JRVR Profiles to replace the JVC anamorphic mode.

The key difference in approach, is currently the setup is all device based (eg press a button and the device goes into and stays in a particular mode), and that JRVR profiles are track based (so reverts back after each track).  I'm just thinking about ways to change to a profile that sticks from "this point" on regardless of the tracks.  Kind of like what you can do with an AVR by pressing a button to swap between 2ch or "Party Mode" (with all speakers blaring) regardless of what the actual track is.  It's manual device control.

The issue with using tags, is it would always push the output into anamorphic (or normal) mode regardless of if the lens or masking have moved... and control of these two will also be manual.

Still trying to think of potential ideas to make it work like a device level change. 
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2023, 12:50:41 am »

Do you mean it's a playlist of separate items in the library? And  some of those have black bars while others don't but they are played back with a lens in place anyway?

i.e a single video that had no black bars can be played without the lens in place (so no needs no adjustment) or with the lens (so needs the effect of the lens reversed digitally)

Did I get that right?

Btw I suggest splitting this to a separate thread, seems only incidentslly related to the thread topic

If so, how is the playlist created?


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2023, 01:24:03 am »

Hoping that Murray chips in to confirm / update my impressions of what he does but it is a MC Playlist with various videos in different formats.  When it gets to the fade out, prior to the main title, he uses his RC to bring in the lens, move the masking, and put the JVC into it's Anamorphic Mode. 
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2023, 01:32:50 am »

He does not want to use any automation for this, or even a per file setting as he only wants to enable the JRVR profile when he enables the Lens / Masking.  Otherwise, JRVR will engage the profile even if he has not enabled the Lens or Masking. 
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2023, 01:43:06 am »

if it's a playlist of individual items in the library then his orchestration software has to manage the tags at the right time

i.e. it would be something like

press button to activate anamorphic
for each remaining playlist items
    update tag
press button to deactivate (or terminate playback)
    update tag

I think this would be too brittle for general purpose use but could work in a tightly controlled environment

He does not want to use any automation for this
well beggars can't be choosers :) unless an army of people come out the woodwork asking for such a feature, I wouldn't be too optimistic about anything coming down the line to support his setup.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2023, 02:18:08 am »

That is true.  It's not that the new manual profiles can't be made to work in this case, he is just trying to mimic how it currently works with the JVC (eg device based not file based).  The issue is needing to select the correct JRVR Profile based what mode the Lens / Masking is in.... not what the file being played is, and MC will never know what state the PJ/Screen is in. 

Hence... that was my other thought about using MCWS to update a tag on items in the library from the RC (or maybe even just the playlist items) to say "Anamorphic = ON" and then a JRVR Profile Rule (and then reverse to mark it all as OFF).  ....  There is always more than one way to skin a cat!

Anyway, he has manual profiles working for different levels of sharping, and it seems to be going well (FWIW, it seems his preference is for lower sharping on older transfer and high sharpening for modern digitally shot content) and will test out how manually triggering an Anamorphic profile goes.  Worse comes to worse he can stick to using the JVC but would lose JRVR's awesome (apparently) geometry correction in the two modes. 
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2023, 02:29:26 am »

The issue is needing to select the correct JRVR Profile based what mode the Lens / Masking is in.... not what the file being played is, and MC will never know what state the PJ/Screen is in. 
yes my suggestion is just a cutdown form of yours really, i.e. target the update at the relevant items.

note that there is an network protocol for JVC that can tell you the currently active installation mode (there are various impls out there, mine is in so it would be possible to completely automate the above in your own automation/orchestration software, it would be similar to the above in that you have something watching the playlist + watching the installation mode, when the latter changes then reflect that to whatever tags are used to drive jrvr profile changes. From a protective point of view (not having the wrong tags set when playing back), the same approach can be used (before playback starts, read the current state of the device and reset tags for the current playlist accordingly).

imv such functionality lives at that level rather than in MC but whether he can implement that depends on how complex that software layer is in his case


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2023, 04:09:00 am »

If there is enough demand, I suppose I could add an option to let you change the global default profile.  The way it works right now is this, in order, with the first rule spitting out a profile being applied:

1) Check for per-file overrides
2) Evaluate profile rules
3) Use default

The idea would be to add a rule between 2 and 3 which lets you override which is the "default" by a profile of your choice. There would be no OSD/UI shortcut, just a setting in the JRVR config itself, and a MCC command to do it from a remote.
With no UI integration, it would be relatively easy to do.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2023, 04:26:15 am »

@Matt - The idea is to move from the JVC to a JRVR profile for the stretch, so monitoring the JVC would not be the answer.  He is already using the RC to initiate the change for the lens, masking (and currently the JVC).  He also uses the RC to push MCWS/MCC (not sure which) calls for JRVR Selections (sharpening etc) and that is working fine.  The same method will work fine for JRVR anamorphic profile selection... but ... only for the current video (eg not for those next in the playlist).  I think your idea of just changing the tags for the current playlist is pobs better as I don't think there is a quick MCWS/MCC way to bulk update one field across all items in the database. 

@Hendrik - That would work.  Another Idea that may be easier and still work with "#2 - Evaluate Profile Rules" is if there was an exposed MC Global Field (eg not file centric) that could be updated by MCWS (and could be used in the existing rules for JRVR Profile Selection) then it gets very easy.  Something like "MC Version" but say "Default JRVR Profile".  MCWS/JRVR could push a "1", "2" etc to it and in the JRVR Profile selection just match of if "JRVR Profile" = 1 then select profile 1.  When you want to turn it "off" just blank the field.  Or is that what you were thinking?
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2023, 04:30:38 am »

It would be really cool if us anamorphic lens users could somehow control it automatically based on content and with a trigger from the PC.  So for instance if scope film is detected it turns on anamorphic lens options plus sends 12v trigger to move lens into place.  If non scope then move lens out of place / change to non lens options.  The lens changes the calibration so two separate settings for both along with the ability to send trigger commands to move the lens would be the holy grail for me.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2023, 04:31:42 am »

...actually, is there already any "generic" MCWS writable global field that the JRVR selection wizard could read?
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2023, 04:33:43 am »

@Hendrik - That would work.  Another Idea that may be easier and still work with "#2 - Evaluate Profile Rules" is if there was an exposed MC Global Field (eg not file centric) that could be updated by MCWS (and could be used in the existing rules for JRVR Profile Selection) then it gets very easy.  Something like "MC Version" but say "Default JRVR Profile".  MCWS/JRVR could push a "1", "2" etc to it and in the JRVR Profile selection just match of if "JRVR Profile" = 1 then select profile 1.  When you want to turn it "off" just blank the field.  Or is that what you were thinking?

There is no concept of global fields, extra information like "App Version" are just injected into the evaluation functions, but they are not actual fields, and certainly not writeable. So you can't interact with them through any normal field functions. Meaning that new functions need to be added anyway, in which case it would be easier to just let it do the entire thing, rather then ask users to also setup rules.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2023, 04:56:00 am »

Sounds fair, just thinking out loud of what may already be useable as a global field.  I already write to the MC Registry for example to populate options for the MC "Send to" option (though none of this is really a MCWS thing... and a terrible idea for what we are talking about anyway). 
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2023, 05:43:16 am »

@Matt - The idea is to move from the JVC to a JRVR profile for the stretch, so monitoring the JVC would not be the answer.  He is already using the RC to initiate the change for the lens, masking (and currently the JVC). 
I was assuming he has a lens on a sled which is driven by a 12v trigger controlled via a JVC installation mode. If the pj is completely out of the loop here then watching that is not relevant but the rest of what I wrote still applies. It's just the job of his remote control (what I called orchestration software) to update tags at the right time then it should just work with MC as it is today.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2023, 05:52:25 am »

If there is enough demand, I suppose I could add an option to let you change the global default profile.  The way it works right now is this, in order, with the first rule spitting out a profile being applied:

1) Check for per-file overrides
2) Evaluate profile rules
3) Use default

The idea would be to add a rule between 2 and 3 which lets you override which is the "default" by a profile of your choice.
I would think putting it before 1 would be more generally useful, ie a global "force this profile to be used" option

It would cover this case plus the one from the other thread about allowing for an override without writing it to the library item


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2023, 06:04:23 am »

Writing it to global state seems worse to me than writing it to per-file state if you want a transient change.

The way I see it, rules should apply in order of granularity.

- Per-file rules are the most fine-grained, and if you selected something for a particular file, having it overridden seems unexpected.
- Selection rules have a medium granularity, depending on how you set them up.
- Global profiles are a last resort sledgehammer method.

In reality, you are likely not going to combine any of those anyway. Because no matter which rules override others, you will always run into conflicts if you try. If you have automatic rules setup, you likely want them to apply, so having the global profile override those isn't good. Inversely, having those rules override the global profile also isn't great. So you likely never want to combine this in one settings category, and eg. use global rules for output to adapt to your current lens config, and per-file/rules for scaling/filtering, or something like that.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2023, 06:23:10 am »

Use case is to be able to try out a profile, eg if you're experimenting with different settings and want to compare them then you need a way to fast switch. Putting the override higher up would support this.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2023, 06:30:59 am »

I was assuming he has a lens on a sled which is driven by a 12v trigger controlled via a JVC installation mode. If the pj is completely out of the loop here then watching that is not relevant but the rest of what I wrote still applies. It's just the job of his remote control (what I called orchestration software) to update tags at the right time then it should just work with MC as it is today.

No idea how it works behind the scenes.  I do know that his RC not only controls the lens, and the masking, but can also send MCC/MCWS commands.  He has it working now for making JRVR Profile changes for stuff like sharpening already, and he will try it out tomorrow for the anamorphic changes.... and yes... timing will be everything.  For it to work now he has to initiate the change once the new title has started playing instead of when the prior one fades out.  Lets wait and see how Murray goes.  It may all be fine. 
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2023, 04:06:17 pm »

Thank you all for the comments so far but I dont think some are understanding what Im really trying to do with the manual operation here, so hopefully this explains things....
Again please remember I dont want this function to be automated or remembering anything, it needs to be a dumb on or off stretch commands. Im currectly doing this now and all I want to do is replace the JVC stretch commands on/off for the same thing from JRVR.

1.   I use Command Fusion for operating my HT, all the buttons on the ipad have been created by my installer friend.
2.   I currently have the three sharpening control profiles made in JRVR and working, excellent work Hendrik. (see image)
3.   I have the cineslide that holds my Isco IIIL anamorphic lens which slides in and out when I press 2.35 or 4:3/16:9
4.   At the same button press my black side masking moves to the correct position.
5.   At the same button press my JVC NZ9 proj changes the stretch to on when I press 2.35 and stretch off for 4:3/16:9.
6.   At the same buttion press my JVC changes the aspect ratio to the correct one. We have four commands to do this in the backend of CF.
7.   Currently that stretch is from the JVC but I want to change that to the new stretch in JRVR so I no longer use the JVC.
8.   These four commands have been installed in the backend of Command Fusion by my installer, they are just a few milliseconds apart. The whole operation I can go from 16:9 to scope in less than 2 seconds, its manual from the button press and I want to remain manual.
9.   I make up playlists in JRVR which might contain 4/5 mkvs before the feature, some scope, some 16:9 some 4:3, I press the aspect button between a file fadeout and next file fade in, the change happens instantly and seamlessly. All I want to change is to replace the  manual JVC stretch to the JRVR stretch, it must be a manual ON or OFF stretch with two commands from JRVR on or off. This we would then build into each button command in the backend of Command Fusion.
10.   If JRVR isnt capable of making a manual command for stretch on and off I will just continue to operate the stretch from the JVC. However I would prefer to go totally JRVR for stretch as I’m sure its scaling will be better than the JVC. I’m currently also using JRVR geometry corrections scaling which it a wonderful tool and a dream come true! Again thank you Hendrik…..It would be nice to also get JRVR stretch to operate without remembering anything on the file playing, it needs to be totally dumb, on or off.

Thank you for reading this…


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2023, 04:47:26 pm »

Note: the above workflow should work fine with the current implementation of JRVR manual profiles with the following provisions:
1) You will need to trigger the profile just as the video starts (as manual profile control only impacts the currently playing title not anything subsequent in a playlist)
2) Your settings will be remembered for next time

Lets see how your testing goes.

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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2023, 04:55:17 pm »

Note: the above workflow should work fine with the current implementation of JRVR manual profiles with the following provisions:
1) You will need to trigger the profile just as the video starts (as manual profile control only impacts the currently playing title not anything subsequent in a playlist)
2) Your settings will be remembered for next time

Lets see how your testing goes.


Sorry Nathan I cant operate that way its impossible to manually get that timing right from a button press, plus I dont want it to remember the command, I have three other controls for masking, ratio, cineslide to deal with.

If I cant get this to working using JRVR the way I currently have using the proj stretch I will have to drop it and just stay with what Im currently doing, the stretch from the proj.

Its absolutly impossible to implement the command as the next file starts, this is all happening between a fade out of one file to the fade in of the next file, how can one tell when the screen is black when to press the button? Its all about presentation when you have an audience watching a show! Remember I was a projectionist for 35+ years  8)


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2023, 05:08:27 pm »

It's quite clear what you are trying to do. It seems you just don't understand (or have just rejected that idea completely so don't care) that you can semi automate this, it is highly likely to work and it is totally possible to also automate cleaning up anything that needs to be added to tags to make that happen. Having said that, there's no doubt the way that seems possible today will be markedly more work to implement than a simple manual button press so probably not a surprise you don't want to go for that route.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2023, 05:34:08 pm »

It's quite clear what you are trying to do. It seems you just don't understand (or have just rejected that idea completely so don't care) that you can semi automate this, it is highly likely to work and it is totally possible to also automate cleaning up anything that needs to be added to tags to make that happen. Having said that, there's no doubt the way that seems possible today will be markedly more work to implement than a simple manual button press so probably not a surprise you don't want to go for that route.
Im not trying to be difficult at all as thats not my nature, its just sometimes I get so lost in all the words that are spoken here. If Im not as technically minded as you please dont blame me for that!

I have a one button approach currently to control 4 steps, I dont wnat to move to a two button approach to do the same thing if thats what you are saying....


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2023, 06:04:21 pm »

In a nutshell this is what would be the ultimate in JRVR to copy the same "A" stretches that current JVC projectors have, and this is how I currently operate using its stretch with my Isco, either on or off.

By having these settings without any "black bar detection" is really the best way for a manual setup like mine and others, either on or off. JVC covers all the "A" lenses including the DCRs and if it could be copied, JR would be the only one who have it.

Thats the best I can do and sorry if I offended anyone for not understanding their different approach. Some want things totally automated, some dont. No way is right or wrong, we are all different. Peace  :)

Just to explain something that Ive never mentioned....
To have a system for stretch without black bar detection (which all projectors do) is quite important for many "A" lens users. e.g. if you play a 70MM film it doesnt have the same black bars as a scope film does. When I play a 70MM film which I have many, I play it in scope so I crop a tiny amount from top and bottom of the image (many cinemas played 70MM the same way rather than having movable top masking)  They are designed to do so without cropping important information.

With black bar detection on a 70MM film there is no tiny crop as it shows in full frame, however the screen size ends up smaller than scope as the image doesnt play to the full width of scope. In a presentation sence I dont like to see 70MM films smaller than my scope.

see JVCs "A" lens stretch (without black bar detection) in att.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2023, 02:48:06 am »

I have a one button approach currently to control 4 steps, I dont wnat to move to a two button approach to do the same thing if thats what you are saying....
I completely agree that simple direct control of the stretch is much easier in your situation. It used to be possible to do this before jrvr profiles were introduced and I even had buttons on my remote to do that (which I still haven't got rid of) and I think that if,136784.msg948210.html#msg948210 is implemented then i would think that will make it possible to make such buttons work again (albeit I use the profile based approach now so don't need to switch manually myself) via a simple MCWS call.

In the absence of that, I think @jmone's idea of a regedit hack should work. From a quick look at the registry values, it seems JRVR uses the same values as the playback info field used to use. Setting those values in the library was how my remote worked so I had decoded that already

Code: [Select]
            # default (no options set)
            #        (1:1)(11:AspectRatio)(30:(1:4)(1:0)(1:0)(1:0)(1:1)(1:0))
            # 1.6    (1:1)(11:AspectRatio)(35:(1:4)(1:0)(1:0)(6:196613)(1:1)(1:0))
            # 1.78   (1:1)(11:AspectRatio)(35:(1:4)(1:0)(1:0)(6:589840)(1:1)(1:0))
            # 1.85   (1:1)(11:AspectRatio)(36:(1:4)(1:0)(1:0)(7:1310757)(1:1)(1:0))
            # 2.35   (1:1)(11:AspectRatio)(36:(1:4)(1:0)(1:0)(7:1310767)(1:1)(1:0))
            # 2.40   (1:1)(11:AspectRatio)(35:(1:4)(1:0)(1:0)(6:327692)(1:1)(1:0))
            # options are stored in this section : (1:0)(1:0)(6:327692)(1:1)(1:0)
            #  * 0 = preserve AR, 1 = stretch, 2 = crop
            #  * AR override
            #  * 0 = none, 196613 = 1.66, 589840 = 1.78, 1310757 = 1.85, 1310767 = 2.35, 327692 = 2.4
            #  * 1 = crop edges to sides of screen, 0 = off
            #  * 1 = crop edges, 0 = off

the aspect ratio value is this line

Code: [Select]
* 0 = none, 196613 = 1.66, 589840 = 1.78, 1310757 = 1.85, 1310767 = 2.35, 327692 = 2.4

and the registry path would be something like this (the last bit of the path is going to be specific to your display)

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 31\JRVR\Monitors\??DISPLAY#JKC9070#5&27b3c7a3&0&UID372994#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7}

you'd then set the key "Output - Aspect Ratio Mode" to one of those values & it should update the value seen in JRVR Options > Output > General > Aspect Ratio Handling > Aspect Ratio Mode

you may also have to update some other values at the same time

I suppose simplest way would be to have a couple of files with the right data in and then implement a command in your remote that can silently import them to switch between modes


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2023, 04:25:13 am »

Thank you mattkhan for your ideas here even though I dont understand any of them as its out of my depth, however I will wait for Nathan to check back in on this..... I also think you understand my reasons for not wanting to use "black bar cropping" to use the stretch regarding the sizing of 70MM films etc etc, but under the current setup one can not operate stretch unless you have "black bar cropping" ticked.

The two things I would like to see for a totally manual setup like mine is to have no black bar cropping involved and no saving the stretch info to the file. Maybe this isnt possible or too hard to implement?

I thought something like this but what are your thoughts?


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2023, 05:19:01 am »

do you mean you want to be able to stretch in some user defined way? basically aspect ratio correction but without caring about the image size in any way?


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2023, 05:44:19 am »

do you mean you want to be able to stretch in some user defined way? basically aspect ratio correction but without caring about the image size in any way?
I only want to use JRVRs stretch, thats all. All aspects ratios are done now from the proj aspect control and built into our aspect buttons using Command Fusion and controlled from the ipad.

Command Fusion currently has for each of our four aspects, these commands 1.Cineslide moves, 2.Proj aspect changes, 3.Stretch, 4.Masking moves. These commands are milliseconds apart and the change happens in less than 2 secs.

All I want is to replace 3.Stretch which is using the JVC stretch with the "Stretch" only from JRVR, without anything being saved to the file and without using black bar detection.

If this is difficult I will stay using JVCs scaling for stretch rather than JRVRs stretch.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2023, 05:45:47 am »

Yes but how exactly do you want it to stretch?


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2023, 05:49:04 am »

Yes but how exactly do you want it to stretch?
Exactly the same anamorphic stretch that the JVC does for using an Isco 1.33x lens. I believe they call that stretch 4/3 as madvr uses. I think you use exactly the same lens, also Fenceman on here.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2023, 09:28:55 am »

Exactly the same anamorphic stretch that the JVC does for using an Isco 1.33x lens. I believe they call that stretch 4/3 as madvr uses. I think you use exactly the same lens, also Fenceman on here.
It's what the existing stretch mode does when you don't use the metadata option, what about that mode doesn't work for you?


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2023, 02:59:42 pm »

It's what the existing stretch mode does when you don't use the metadata option, what about that mode doesn't work for you?
No it does not stretch unless you have black bar cropping ticked, and as I mentioned I dont want to use that system.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2023, 03:16:09 pm »

No it does not stretch unless you have black bar cropping ticked, and as I mentioned I dont want to use that system.
Have you actually tried it or are you just assuming it works on a certain way? We are not talking about the automated option here, just the older option where you tell it what the video aspect ratio is. It looks the same as the JVC mode as far I can see. The main limitation being that it only supports the specified list of ARs.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2023, 03:24:47 pm »

Have you actually tried it or are you just assuming it works on a certain way? We are not talking about the automated option here, just the older option where you tell it what the video aspect ratio is. It looks the same as the JVC mode as far I can see. The main limitation being that it only supports the specified list of ARs.
I tried it last night many times without using black bars but cant remember if I was using the aspect area or not. I was testing all this years ago before it was moved into JRVR area and I could never get it all to work properly, or the way I needed for my system. I will test it again this morning and report back for you soon.

However if it is always saved to the playing file it wont work for my system as I need it to be incorperated into my other aspect commands in Command Fusion. I just need a simple ON/OFF function thats never saved.

Many thanks for your help.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2023, 03:27:52 pm »

That particular option is just part of the jrvr profile so doesn't update the library item you happen to be playing at the time.


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2023, 07:38:04 pm »

Speaking more with Murray, we are getting there.

He now has two "JRVR Output" profiles he is happy with, each with their own Geometry Correction.  Nice! (and we no longer need to discuss this part).
- Default (16:9)
- Anamorphic (2.35)

He also has his RC setup to be able to change between any of the Profiles (Output, Processing etc).  He is also happy that the manual Processing Profiles are saved to Playback Info (eg custom sharpening done on a per file basis).  Nice!

The final part is simply how to swap between the Default and Anamorphic Output profile when he has manually engaged the Anamorphic Lens / Masking.  eg:
- The selected Default or Anamorphic Output profile is persistent till manually changed (eg does not change at the file level),
- it is not "remembered" on a per file basis (eg nothing saved to “Playback Info”), and
- it does not interfere with the selection of the other profiles

Note: He is using manual Processing Profiles already for various sharpening levels and that part is working well and he is happy that this is saved on a per file basis.  This would still need to work in conjunction with the above.


PS - Another Dumb Idea of the day..... let users create their own Device under Output, eg say he already has one auto created called "JVC", but if you could manually create another one based on this but called "JVC - Anamorphic Lens" that is selectable by MCC/MCWS it would work out well and would not break any of the existing profile selection options.
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2023, 02:32:55 am »

Isn't it just the registry update I described earlier?


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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2023, 02:48:05 am »

Yup, ...but Hendrik also said he may look at it.  I'd rather a MC soln over a Regedit hack, so I'll wait for a bit first. 
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Re: JRVR Profiles and Manual Selection for Anamorphic Lens Control
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2023, 07:28:03 pm »

@Hendrik, any thoughts on MC based soln or should I look at coding up a Registry hack?
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