Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.41 beta

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--- Quote from: bob on August 15, 2023, 08:27:04 pm ---Changes in this build (436):

1) Work around for WakeOnLan not working by using the local network broadcast address when multicast broadcast fails.

Report results please.

--- End quote ---
Are there openings for beta testers?

Changes in build 442:

Volume buttons when changing a remote zone volume no longer affect system volume.


--- Quote from: mattlovell on October 21, 2023, 08:30:46 am ---I usually keep the volume level of the DLNA renderer through which I play at 100% (adjusting it instead at the pre-amplifier).

With the latest JRemote beta, I notice the initial volume setting changing from run to run.  It's never as low as the iPad's volume (which I generally keep quite low), but it certainly is varying from 100%.

Is JRemote trying to "transfer" the iPad's volume level to the DLNA renderer, even though no button presses have occurred?

--- End quote ---
Are you using build 442?
There shouldn't be an issue with that one.
Also, make sure optimize volume isn't on in MC for that zone.


--- Quote ---Are you using build 442?
There shouldn't be an issue with that one.

--- End quote ---

Well, not yet.  :)  I'll give it a try when I return home this evening.

--- Quote ---Also, make sure optimize volume isn't on in MC for that zone.
--- End quote ---

I'll double-check, but I don't think I've ever enabled that (for either the player itself or any zone).  Just to clarify, the volume change I'm referring to was for the DLNA renderer itself. 



--- Quote ---Are you using build 442?
There shouldn't be an issue with that one.
--- End quote ---

I was only able to test it briefly last night, but it does seem better.  The DLNA renderer's volume was at 100% and remained there.


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