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Author Topic: advice on how to have jriver remove files that have been deleted  (Read 450 times)


  • World Citizen
  • ***
  • Posts: 101

I am going through my movies smart list i created to only show specific duplicated movies and for the first 2, i can see one is located drive1 and the other drive2. however, only one file actually exists in one location. i ran a auto import so it would clear any files from jriver library that are no longer there. auto import finished, but files remain.

i had an issue a few months ago where, my drives were temp disconnected (all my media resides on nas and at the time they were setup to as drive mappings, now they are setup as unc paths) the drives were disconnected and all my medai was gone from jriver and had to re import it all.....

so upon looking through the forum it was suggested to prevent this from happening again to change the fix broken links option to no.

i understand if i switch back to yes and run import it should clear any files that are no longer in the directroy jriver has for those files.

my question is, if i forget to switch back and God forbid the drives for whatever reason are not available then my whole libray clears.... is there an easier way around this?

edit 1- the option under fix broken links was set to yes (protect files on missing drives) when the whole library that did not work and would not want to take that chance again.

thanks a ton!
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