I think you are asking for colored text inside of the details list for an album: The lower area that shows columns of values with Title, Artist, etc.
I do not think that is possible. I don't know of any way to customize the look of that portion of the display. Obviously you can change the columns, their order, etc.
However, while writing this, I realized that you can define your own fields and those fields can contain formatting options like colors. The attached screen shot shows a Panes view with a custom field I defined (2 minutes ago) called "TechInfo". The definition of that field colors MP3 in red, and everything else in the normal font color.
For reference here's the expression that defines that field:
(if(isequal([File Type],MP3,1),<font color="FF0000">,)[File Type]if(isequal([File Type],MP3,1),<//font>,) if(compare([Sample Rate],>,44100),<font color="00FF00">,)[Bit Depth]bit [Sample Rate]/<//font>)
That a similar expression might produce what you want.
Best of luck to you.