Networks and Remotes > Remotes

List View for Gizmo Genres instead of Thumbnails?

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I would like to use Gizmo remote in Genre view and get results displaying in a list view (possibly with small thumbnail to the left), so I can see more of the Artist titles. Right now, the thumbnails truncate too many words, which I think would be solved if a list view were possible. I looked in the Options -> Advanced -> Customize views for Gizmo menu in MC31, and I don't see anything that seems pertinent to swapping thumbnails for a list view. Don't see any relevant options within the Gizmo app either.  Is this possible? On the Mac desktop app, I can use Theater View or the Panes to drill down through Genre to Artist to Album, and would love to do this with a remote as well. This is mainly for use with Classical music, as most of my other genres have much shorter artist names and/or titles. I haven't paid to try the JRemote2 yet, but if it offers the functionality I want, would be worth it. Attachments showing current Gizmo Genre view on an Android tablet vs. closer to what I want on the Mac Desktop in Theater View. Thanks for any help!

You can change some things on the server.

Thanks for your reply Jim. Any chance you could provide specifics on which settings and where to find them? I've looked around quite a bit and haven't found those controls yet. That was the reason for my post. Cheers!

Try a Google search, adding "jriver".

Tools/Options/Media Network/Advanced/Configure Views

Thanks Jim. Sorry, don't mean to be dense. I've been in that menu dialog multiple times, and am still not seeing anything pertaining to switching between thumbnail and list view. Screenshot attached here with what options I do see. Everything seems to be related to "What" files to display, and in what order or grouping, but not "How" to visually display the results (thumbs or list). Under Settings -> Sorting I also do not see any options to toggle thumbs/list view.

The most relevant google search I kept finding the last few days before posting in this forum is here, but it doesn't seem to answer my question:

Thanks again,


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