Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote connection via Access Key vs Local credential

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I have locked down internet access to the PC that is running MC 27; that PC is doing nothing but just running MC 27 with local music files and I wish to secure it from online threats.

However, now the JRemote is taking full 15 seconds to connect to MC 27. If I give the internet access to PC running MC 27, it just takes 1 second for JRemote to connect. Why JRemote is taking so long to connect on LAN via Username and Password authentication.

Someone please guide me and help me fix it.

Use the IP address instead of the Access Key.


--- Quote from: JimH on November 20, 2023, 03:51:37 pm ---Use the IP address instead of the Access Key.

--- End quote ---

Hi Jim:

Thank you so much. I tried that, however, it still takes exactly 15 seconds.

The MC 27 is running on Windows 7
The server has a Static IP address
Windows Firewall is disabled.
JRemote is using Server Name, Local IP address, Port 52199, Username, Password...all other fields are empty.

IP Address Method here:

Thanks Jim!

However, I am not sure if I was clear in explaining the problem I am facing. I am using already IP Address Method, it works and I understand it. However,

JRemote takes full 15 seconds to connect to MC 27 via IP Address Method and just 1 second via Access Key Method. I suspect somewhere in code, Access Key Method has been given propriety and MC 27 only reverts to IP Address Method after it has been timed out on Access Key Method.

Can some other users also confirm this behavior?


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