Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote not showing Assets


Hi there,

What might cause JRemote not to display the "Assets" button for an album, even when a PDF file (and some non-cover JPGs) are present in the album's directory? 

I have a newly-ripped album in which a booklet.pdf file exists.  MC itself is perfectly happy to show that PDF file and the images under the "View Extras" right click.  Nothing is showing up for that album in JRemote, though. 

There are other albums (directories) for which JRemote does find the PDF.  Is there any dependency on the filenames of the extras? 

Aside from the 2 CDs worth of flac files, the additional contents within the directory in question are as follows:

* booklet.pdf
* bridge.jpg
* cover.jpg
* movie_image1.jpg
* movie_image2.jpgMC shows all of the above files.

I was using the next-to-latest JRemote beta (3.42, 454), but can try the latest tonight.

Thanks (and Happy Holidays!),

The latest JRemote beta (3.42, Build 459) -- on both iPhone and iPad -- seems to be behaving better!  I now see the booklet PDF that was previously MIA.

Don't know if anything actually changed in JRemote, but thanks.


--- Quote from: mattlovell on January 03, 2024, 10:07:18 am ---The latest JRemote beta (3.42, Build 459) -- on both iPhone and iPad -- seems to be behaving better!  I now see the booklet PDF that was previously MIA.

Don't know if anything actually changed in JRemote, but thanks.

--- End quote ---
Just released it.


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