Networks and Remotes > Remotes

Cannot update JRemote on iphone


I am trying to update JRemote on my iphone to the current version 3.41.  It is not allowing me to, saying my account has been disabled.  Apple support tells me that what probably happened was years ago I bought the app with a different user ID on the account. 

I can go ahead and delete and reinstall but I'm being required to pay again.  Any workaround for this?  Thanks!

Awesome Donkey:
Generally that's how Apple's App Store and policies work. Unless you can access the old Apple account with the app purchase there's no other way around it than to purchase it again. And before you ask it's highly unlikely that JRiver could do anything about it either since Apple controls the entire platform and ecosystem (from the accounts to managing purchases, etc) and app developers can't really do anything about these kind of issues.


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