Windows > JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows

Request: DSP analyser as a playing now Visualiser


Hopefully the title says it all.

I like the "Analyser" view in the DSP settings interface. Would like that to be my playing now Visualisation for audio playback.

I think all visualizations are in dire need of an upgrade. I like for example a stereo spectrum analyzer. The analyzers at the top of the program are tiny. And the default stereo spectrum analyzer looks like it's stuck in the previous century. Customizing it is very limited and buggy, it doesn't play nice depending on your regional settings (decimal/list separator related).

Yes and it would be nice if the traces followed the CEA colour coding standards.

The title does indeed say it all, and agree this is a good idea. 

Mainly I love switching between between Milkdrop3, G-Force, Aeon, etc, but all those only work external to MC (for me). I agree with Mike that the built-in visualizers are pretty vanilla and dated, but I still use them on occasion just for the variety. Adding MC's built-in DSP analyzer as a context menu visualizer option would be a great addition. That makes 4 users... getting close to critical mass!

Still hoping that someday G-Force and Aeon are made compatible with MC like they used to be (hey… and Milkdrop3 while you're at it). I have seen threads where some users have gotten G-Force and Aeon to work in recent MC versions, but it is been at least 6 or 7 years since I was able to.  I'll continue to keep my fingers crossed.

The author of G-Force used to have to change something in his setup to address each new version of MC.  That's all I remember.  You might be able to set up an old MC directory to trick it into working.  You could try installing an old version to see if you can get it to work at all.

Might have been a registry entry he changed?


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