Networks and Remotes > Remotes

How to ALWAYS have connection to my server from iOS via JRemote

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Hey everyone,

I am very new to MC, but not new to audio and tech. With that said, I am having trouble accessing my library when, seemingly, my computer goes to sleep. I have changed the settings to include MC upon startup but that still doesn't help. (Tools… Options… Startup… Windows Startup)

I want to just be able to pick up my phone *whenever* and be able to play my library from my phone. How do I make that possible? If I havent been at my computer for a while, Inside the app, JRemote, it'll say "Wake" next to my PC's name. Every time I click it, it just says cannot connect. Tomorrow morning I will try and duplicate the issue so I can get a screenshot of it. I have just one "library" that's hosted on an external TB SSD. I did see a prompt one time (attached) that mentions not being able to access it via the internet? I suppose when I am off my network? Which is still strange since I will be home in my living room and trying to "wake" it does not work (aka being on the same network as the PC/MC)

I have attached a few pages of settings, that I would assume where they would be, What settings am I missing on MC or PC? I got so excited when purchasing the JRemote App, but get so frustrated when I'm out in my car and cant listen to the music that I wanted on there.

Thanks in advance for any help whatsoever!

Wake on Lan is on the wiki:

You could probably find an app for your phone to test whether your computer is set to use it.

Ok great, yes shortly after I posted, I read more about WOL and realized thats more likely the culprit.

I have these settings, should I do "Only allow magic packet" or would allow this device to wake the computer be sufficient.

Thanks Jim!!!

I personally would recommend "Only allow magic packet" as otherwise you could find your computer waking up all the time from all sorts of network traffic.
Only magic packets means you have to explicitly send the packet to wake the computer.

PS your second image in your initial post is displaying your Access Key which may allow others to access your server.

Good Eye! Thank you.

Ok so I did all of that, even changed my firewall settings in Windows Firewall, to allow MC as an exception (private and public). I tried connecting to MC via IP address and access code, both options will not "wake" my PC...

I also did port forwarding to 52199... what protocol should that be under UDP or TCP?

Firewall, Any other suggestions I could try?


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