More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Mac
Run MC on MAC 10.6.8
Running OS 10.6.8
Have an old trial version of MC 22 installed on this machine.
The 30 days have elapsed, and now need license.
Read the thread about no MC 22 licensing available.
Will the Master license work for me?
My ultimate goal is to run MC on this old Mac without updating the OS.
MC version really doesn’t matter.
Any solutions for me?
As with Individual Platform Licences a Master Licence will only work with the Version of MC it is purchased for - but there is one thing you should be be aware of and that you will have to update the OS to at least OS 10.11 as that is the lowest OS version that the newer versions of MC will run on.
Thanks for the quick reply.
As suspected, no MC solution for 10.6.8
Send Apple a Thank You note.
How about running 10.11 and that compatible MC version?
The real “rub” is no internet connection.
I can move the iMac to an internet connection for the installs.
Will the OS need an Apple account? Does it need to see the internet daily?
There’s a local joint, MacHQ, that does used Apple computers.
Maybe I need them on this?
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