Windows > JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows

Function: ListContains



I have a problem changing the value for the Dolby Vision field.
If a movie contains a DV Layer, the field shows "1" oderwise "0".

I want to exchange the 1 and 0 -> ✔, x

ListContains([HDR Format],DolbyVision)
if(isequal([Dolby Vidion], 1, 1), ✔, x)

When I use this I will get a 1 or 0 and also a x in any case.
What am I doing here wrong.

Thanks for any help.


--- Code: ---If(ListContains([HDR Format],DolbyVision), ✔, x)
--- End code ---
If DolbyVision phrase is found from HDR format return ✔, otherwise return x


--- Quote ---if(isequal([Dolby Vidion], 1, 1), ✔, x)

--- End quote ---
"Vidion" ? :) That would do it.


--- Quote from: lepa on January 23, 2024, 07:21:56 am ---
--- Code: ---If(ListContains([HDR Format],DolbyVision), ✔, x)
--- End code ---
If DolbyVision phrase is found from HDR format return ✔, otherwise return x

--- End quote ---

Many thanks, works and how simple.


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