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Author Topic: Sync issue with Android phone, successfully sync'd tracks end up back "In Queue"  (Read 1343 times)


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Now with a new Pixel 9 Pro phone and PC, I thought I would try MC again (ver33) for syncing select playlists to the phone but find I have much the same issues from years back.
One of those issues is that after successfully syncing an album playlist, the same tracks reappear on a subsequent resync list as "In Queue". This inevitably results in an "error" on syncing and given enough tracks with this error, the synch crashes and MC freezes for minutes at a time, if not completely.
I experience other issues, particularly when syncing numerous tracks/playlists, but I thought it best to confine this issue that occurs with a simple single album playlist with the hope of finding what is going wrong.
This issue doesn't appear to be related to file format as an mp3 file is equally affected. Any ideas or questions?


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I prefer "handheld" syncing to a local directory and then using syncthing to wirelessly sync that directory to my phone. No wires and oftentimes faster since the USB chipsets in phones can be slower than the wireless chip. The actual sync is faster and more reliable and one can set wifi/battery sync rules using syncthing-fork on android.


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Thank you Bryan for your response.
Syncthing looks similar to Resilio which I stumbled across as a solution like yours and it works well.  The only trouble is, the number of plays statistic is not transferred to MC, but then I don't think that MC feature worked anyway.

Mr Swordfish

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My experience is that the MC syncing works very well if you sync to a local folder on the PC and then use some 3rd party software like Resilio to finish the sync to the handheld.  This is with Windows/Android, not sure about the Apple world.

The downside is that you wind up with dupes of all the media files which is about 280G in my case, but the cost of storage is so small now that it's not really an issue.  If you're only syncing a playlist or two for travel it's not an issue at all.

I'm using Resilio, and I'm not exactly happy with it, but it's working for me and not terribly expensive.  Probably better options out there, but I've got better things to do than fix things that aren't broken.

Mr Swordfish

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BTW, the way to specify a local folder to sync to is Tools -> Options -> Handheld -> Device Management -> Add Device

Give it a name and browse to the folder.

It can be on an external drive.  There may be issues if it's a network drive.

Mr Swordfish

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Don't bother with Resilio.  They suck.

I tried contacting their support and got this back:

Thank you for taking the time to contact Resilio Sync support. We received your support request (#251640).
If this is a technical support request for a Sync Business account, it will be processed in the order received.
If this a a technical support request for Sync Home or Family it will be closed, since we no longer provide any support for the legacy Sync products.

I suppose I'll need to find another sync tool.  Any suggestions?
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