Hi, I'm trying to get some of the MCWS commands working. I currently am running v30 so I can't test this myself. I'm working on an alternative to my use of the PlayingNow plugin which only works on the 32 bit version of MC. If I can get the info I need using MCWS then I can give up the PlayingNow plugin and I'd purchase MC 32.
For the v31 command: I query for user fields too?
Can I query for the next track fields? (PlayingNow lets me select fields like "next.artist")
If not, then I guess I could query for the NextFileKey using GetInfo, but it's not working for me.
This does not work for me:
http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/GetInfo?File=54404 // which is a valid key
Get information about the current playback.
Zone: The zone the command is targetted for. (default: -1)
ZoneType: The type of value provided in 'Zone' (ID: zone id; Index: zone index; Name: zone name). (default: ID)
ZoneID: The zone ID of this zone.
ZoneName: The display name of this zone.
State: The playback state of the player.
FileKey: The database key of the playing file.
NextFileKey: The database key of the next file to play.
PositionMS: The position of the playback in milliseconds.
DurationMS: The duration of the playing file in milliseconds.
ElapsedTimeDisplay: The elapsed playback time as a display friendly string.
RemainingTimeDisplay: The remaining playback time as a display friendly string.
TotalTimeDisplay: The total playback time as a display friendly string.
PositionDisplay: The playback position as a display friendly string.
PlayingNowPosition: The index of the current track in Playing Now.
PlayingNowTracks: The number of files in Playing Now.
PlayingNowPositionDisplay: The current Playing Now position formatted for display.
PlayingNowChangeCounter: A counter that increments any time the playlist is changed.
Bitrate: The current bitrate, in kbps.
Bitdepth: The current bitdepth.
SampleRate: The current sample rate in Hz.
Channels: The number of audio channels in the current output.
Chapter: The current playback chapter.
Volume: The current volume.
VolumeDisplay: A display friendly string version of the current volume.
ImageURL: An image URL for the current file.
Artist: Artist of current file.
Album: Album of current file.
Name: Name of current file.
Rating: Rating of current file.
Status: Playback status as a displayable string.