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Linux friendly DAC's?

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Thanks for the responses, it seems like either of them would be safe bets!
I don't know if this should be in another question, but does anyone know if the advertised performance, ie 384khz at 32 bit depth on USB is attainable on USB 2?  I have space to put a USB 3 card on my mobo, I suspect it probably needs USB 3, but I've only got 2 on this box.

I'm not sure that the Topping supports USB 3 speeds based on the USB port on the back (the few USB 3 hard drives have a different connector) and my quick scan missed any mention of USB 3 but it does say that it supports DSD512 and PCM 768kHz.


--- Quote from: craigmcg on February 16, 2024, 01:56:33 pm ---I'm not sure that the Topping supports USB 3 speeds based on the USB port on the back (the few USB 3 hard drives have a different connector) and my quick scan missed any mention of USB 3 but it does say that it supports DSD512 and PCM 768kHz.

--- End quote ---

I see what you mean re: the Topping E50, interestingly the iFi Zen DAC V2 does appear to have a USB 3 connector and tops out about 384kHz PCM.  I'm leaning towards the iFi.  I Iike that it has a headphone jack, knobs and switches.  Had too many touch sensitive controls that've failed on me.  I'm sure either would be an upgrade for me.

My Fiio K5 Pro appears to do fine on Linux.


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