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Author Topic: MJ, MC, and Girder  (Read 1764 times)


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MJ, MC, and Girder
« on: February 07, 2003, 07:35:36 am »

As you guys can tell, I am very new to these forums. I have used the search tool and manual means in both here,, and with no results so I must pose this question:
What functions can I control via Girder?
I have downloaded a GML file that does show me a few things possible, but what exactly is and isn't possible using Girder with MJ/MC?
I'm trying to use this app as an MP3 only audio server using an IR (Pronto TSU2000) remote and displaying via the TV. Any help as to how to get there would be very appreciated. Also, I'm trying to make this not only wife/girlfriend-friendly, but powerful as well (i.e. If I can use the find option (ctrl-f I believe right?)with a virual keyboard on the pronto that would be even better). Thanks in advance for any information or tips!


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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2003, 03:11:48 pm »

I'm trying to make this not only wife/girlfriend-friendly

You have both a wife AND a girlfriend, and you still find time to use your computer?  Impressive!

Here's a quick answer to your girder question:  Girder can control anything that has a keyboard shortcut (and then some).  Additionaly, if you install the girder plugin for MC, you can send the commands to the plugin, vice the application.  This makes for a more consistent approach, as you won't have problems with application focus and mega- vs. mini-me.  You can also use girder's DVDSpy plugin to get information from MC...  and then display it on-screen.

Then there's the whole netremote approach.  Much more powerful!  But more complicated because there are now three applications to coordinate (MC, netremote, and girder).

If you have a specific question, I can try to answer....  or you might try this from the girder forum side of the house.  I've found lots of GREAT help from the girder forums.  Feel free to e-mail me at or post here.



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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2003, 03:37:22 pm »

Thanks for the quick reply! No I do not have both a girlfriend and a wife..hehe...anyhow, I DO understand the basics of girder as far as that it can basically mimic keystrokes and exe's as well as command-line parameters with exe's..what I do not understand, however, is what I have seen in a couple of example GML files...the command followed by the 5-digit numbers within girder. Where are those from? Are those things provided from MJ? I'm basically just trying to get the most out of MJ/MC if at all possible. I don't have a ton of music right now, maybe 6000+ mp3 files, I use a totally separate application for viewing and recording video so basically have no other reason for MJ/MC than to play MP3's. Is there a really good way to do this? (Granted I would like to be able to search for a song by creating a keyboard on my Pronto remote for just such an event).
Also, what would be the advantage of an app such as Netremote in my specific case (knowing that I plan to use my Pronto remote, only use MJ for mp3, want to be able to search (ctl-f) through my music, but, also need to be able to use girder with other apps. Thanks in advance.


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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2003, 03:39:00 pm »

oh and another thing..this obviously will be at my TV as well so needs to be pretty graphically as well. Thanks.


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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2003, 07:11:24 pm »

what I do not understand, however, is what I have seen in a couple of example GML files...the command followed by the 5-digit numbers within girder. Where are those from? Are those things provided from MJ?

Also, what would be the advantage of an app such as Netremote in my specific case (knowing that I plan to use my Pronto remote, only use MJ for mp3, want to be able to search (ctl-f) through my music, but, also need to be able to use girder with other apps. Thanks in advance.


Being new, you might not appreciate the gentle smack-down here, but it's better netiquette to post a question on only on part of a given web-board.

Mods, is it possible to merge this thread with the one in the MJ8 forum?

Your first question is answered in the other thread.

Net remote is of no use to a Pronto user because the pronto only sends data (IR signals), it can't receive data. Netremote is good if you have networked PDA or Tablet PC.



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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2003, 10:59:17 pm »


There are two main ways you can use girder to control MC.  The first is to use girder's Command's Wparam and Lparam to get the MC function you're looking for.  I once got a .gml from someone who had already worked out what the codes refer to.  The other way is to use keyboard shortcuts - which is much simpler.  You also have two ways of sending the commands to MC.  The first is to use the application as a target.  The other is to use the MC girder plugin as the target.  As I wrote before, using the plugin seems like a more elegant solution.

If you'd like the .gml I use for MC, let me know and I can either e-mail them to you or help you find the link from girder.




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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2003, 10:16:58 pm »

If you could, please e-mail me that gml. Thanks a lot.

debennett2 @


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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2003, 06:18:47 am »



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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2003, 09:19:04 am »

Can you post that GML here (or even better, post a link)?  I would love it!


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Re: MJ, MC, and Girder
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2003, 07:03:33 am »

If you are after girlfriend frindly playback solution you could do a lot worse than installing the webRemote plugin and using Glissando (even when doing it with only a local machine not networked)... It is attractive.. Displays cover art... Has playback controls and wont allow any messing with the database...

Plus Glissando accepts keypress inputs so a Girder GML should be 10 minutes work (I keep threatening to do a Glissando GML and a Girder CCF but thats another story)...

This is a very simple and effective way to solve your issue...
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