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What comes from where?

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OK, this question had been simmering in my mind for a while (yeah, that's a whole different story...) but with the improvements and changes being made to Theater mode in MC32, one question has popped to the fore for me...

Taking a step back, here is my MC environment...

I have a desktop Windows PC.  That PC serves as my MC server.    Also it is the main MC.  It is where I add tunes to the MC library, etc. etc.  (I'll call that MC Main).

Then I have a MC install on Windows on a PC in the entertainment center here.  (I'll call that MC client)

My questions boil down to this...

When I go into the preferences section of MC (on MC Main) I see all manner of options I can change, what options on MC Main are propagated to MC Client?

In my experimentation, it seems that Theater view options are local to MC client, but I've not yet ascertained that to be the case.

Are the items I set on MC Main's menu reflected on MC Client's menu as well?

(aside: I don't do MC  zones here, so I have not a clue about questions to ask in that area.)

The reason I am asking is that the new enhancements to Theater view look quite interesting to me.  And I don't say that lightly.  I'm usually a person who just wants software to "work."

But the new Theater view improvements have caught my attention.

So, as a corollary question... if I want to see those Theater view improvements on the MC Client, do I also need to upgrade the MC Main to MC32 in order for those changes be available on the MC Client?



Here's one reason why I asked...

I recently upgraded the MC client in the entertainment center here to MC32.  The upgrade went well.  (fwiw, the MC software used here on the desktop used as MC server has also been upgraded this afternoon to 32.0.20.  That upgrade went quite well, no issues whatsoever.  Thank you!))

But now, (you had to know there would be a "but" here :) ) in Theater view, I notice that the image on the screen seems to be "zoomed in" compared to what I saw in MC31 on this client.

When I say "zoomed in" I am referring to the "Info" area and pretty much all the text/icon areas that Theater view shows me.  The only area I don't see that "zoomed in" effect is when I am watching "Playing Now."

I'm not a fan of excessive scrolling just because it looks cool.  Unfortunately, excessive scrolling seems to be a current graphics designer fad. :(

So, how do I (maybe a better question might be, can I?) go back to the "zoom" level of MC 31 in theater view?

Or do I now need to look through other Theater view templates to find one more appropriate?

I guess, secondarily, my basic question is: why did the "zoom" level of a Theater view template seem to change?  Why change a good thing?



In Theater View settings, you can set the zoom you want.


Thanks for the quick reply.


I went to Tools>Options>Theater View.

I noticed the Appearance>Size  parameter was 125%.

I set it back to 100%, and in a quick visit through the Theater view menus, things look as I remember from MC31..

Aside from a question of why it was changed from MC31 to MC32 (probably beyond this thread), I do say, thank-you for resolving my issue.



Here's something I just discovered in my recent travels...

First, my scenario:  MC server running on a PC, MC client running in the entertainment center.  Both Windows 10, both MC 32.0.20..

The "Skin" of Theater view seems to be set in the MC client.

But the contents, i.e., the menu items and the information I see on/about those menu items seem to be set on the MC server.

In my specific case...

On the MC client in the entertainment center, I set the Theater View skin as Obsidian.  And that works (quite nicely, thanks!).

Then, if I want to see the text name of the artist of a video on the screen when I view a music video I created, I have to visit the MC server and delve into... Tools>Options>Theater View>Customize File Info Panel>[select the video Template]>Add...

I'm OK with all that, now that I've discovered what to do.

So, going back to my original topic of the thread, ...

The Skin in Theater View is local to the client.

The menu contents of the screen in Theater View are based upon the library that the client loads.

Is that a correct conclusion?


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