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Author Topic: Expression to populate Date (release) field using Album field and Get Movie Info  (Read 636 times)

HTPC Videophile

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I am trying to populate the Date(release)/Date field for each file using the album field and the Get Movie and Tv Info Function. After this i intend to use this release date to modify the Album name tag as shown in the pic below for the movie "Blood Sport" using expressions to  say "Blood Sport(26-02-1988)"  i.e. "Album(Release Date)".  The  "Name" and "Album" fields are derived from the filename which uses this format  "Album-Name".  All the files are tagged as Movies Sub-video category. Is there a way  using smart expression where i can pass on the album tag (movie name) to the Get Movie and TV Info function and populate all the date fields with the release date of the movie in one go. As my library is huge, doing them one at a time would be a humongous task. Currently the Get Movie and Tv Info takes into its search field the file name as the default search expression. i want to pass the derived  "Album" field value as the search expression value to the Get Movie and Tv Info function in bulk not singularly for each file and in bulk this function acts automatically without user options

HTPC Videophile

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Hmm ! Any one has a solution for the above ? Zybex ! thee  too has't nay clue to this  ::) ::)


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Hmm ! Any one has a solution for the above ? Zybex ! thee  too has't nay clue to this  ::) ::)

Patience grasshopper. Apologies for taking over 1h to reply ::)

I had to read your post a few times. If I understood correctly, there's no expression that can do this as the behavior of GetMovieInfo is fixed. There's however an easy workaround (or two):
1. Copy [Name] to a temp [Name2] field, copy [Album] to [Name], do GetMovie&TVInfo, then copy [Name2] back to [Name] (in bulk of course)
2. Try ZRatings which gets info based on the Filename, not the Name.

HTPC Videophile

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Zybex ! Grant you mercy f'r the tipeth. Of all the romans h're thou art the most clev'r  ;D
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